US, 2000, 91 minutes, Black and white.
Roger Majkowski, Orlagh Cassidy, Tom Ellis, Thomas Majkowski.
Directed by Roger Makowski.
Passing Stones is the work of the writer, director, editor, Roger Majkowski, who also plays the central role of Leon. His brother Thomas plays his brother in the film, crack addict, Anthony. There is very good support from Tom Ellis as their other brother.
The film is offbeat and bizarre. It has the spirit of US independent film-making, the particular vision of the film-maker, manifesting the limitations of experience as well as of budget. However, the film keeps audience attention, wondering what will happen next - even to the happy ending with the film moving into colour and the older brother, Gary, videotaping yet another disgusting practical joke. This means that the film veers between the serious and the comic, the romantic and the film noir.
The film focuses on a brother who questions the reality of God all the time, going to church (Presbyterian) and talking to the crucifix as well as to a portrait of Jesus. He remembers his experience of God as a child. As the film progresses, he encounters a strange man who kills himself, sends a letter in Polish which he gets his brother to translate, which leads them to a family where money is buried under a grave. All kinds of complications ensue, especially romantically with the woman of the family, her senile mother, her crack-addicted sister. The older brother, Gary, is in a relationship with his 'wife', played by a man.
1. The impact of the film? Entertainment? Serious and comic? Romantic and satiric? Black - even to practical jokes? The seriousness of the intention of the film-maker?
2. Black and white photography? The editing and pace? The final Technicolor practical joke?
3. The title, reference to mortality, illness?
4. The focus on Leon: seeing him in church, his dialogue with God, praying as a child, God not hearing the prayers of adults? The nature of his faith, prayer throughout the film, his wondering about the reality of God? His paper rounds, his collecting the money, the encounters with Helen and her complaints, with Henry and his eccentricities? Henry and his suicide? Leon's relationship with his mother and her haranguing him, his despair of her? His visit to his father's grave, blaming his brother Anthony for not going to the funeral? The absence of Gary? His relationship with Anthony, drugs, his being under the domination of his mother, wanting to go to Kmart to buy a gerbil? His finding Gary, getting him to translate the letter, scandalised by his 'wife'? Going to Sheila and Mary, the translation of the letter, the finding of the money? Sheila's resistance and antagonism, dependence on him? Happiness at finding the money? The sexual encounter after the visit to her father's house? Leon and his relationship with his brothers, Gary and the disappearance of the money? The search, the desperation? Letting the old lady loose and following her and recovering the money? Gary's attack, knocking him out, threatening to burn the money? Burying him in the trunk, Leon afraid that he was buried alive? Glad to be alive, with the burnt money? His future with Sheila?
5. Anthony, the younger brother, crack and his dependence? His being dominated by his mother? The antagonism with Leon? Going with the letter to Gary, his more tolerant attitude towards his wife? Following on, the encounter with Mary, sharing the drug addiction? The search for the money, his going off the drugs, wanting to be with Mary for the future? A happy ending? Gary's advice that drug addiction is a good choice if that's all you want in life?
6. Gary, the absent brother, living with his wife, the genuine relationship? His translating the letter, going with Leon? His dependence on his tablets for balance? His wife concerned? Finding the money, staying with Sheila and Mary? His own schemes, telling his wife, her turning up? In the house, the dancing? His antagonism towards Leon, knocking him out, taking the money, putting him in the box? His disgusting videos and paying people for excremental behaviour? The final joke? The character of his wife, as a transvestite, relationship with Gary, more commonsensed, the tenderness with Mary? Affirming her? The finale?
7. Sheila and Mary, antagonism towards Leon, the information about the letter, the true place for the money? Their mother and her senility? The recovery of the money, brighter prospects? Their mother wandering, her anxiety for her mother rather than the money? Leon trying to calm her down? The visit to her father's house, his memories, her resentment, the change? Sexual relationship with Leon? The return, the search for her mother, the happy ending?
8. Mary, the seeming Tourette's Syndrome along with the crack addiction? Her personality, dependence, relationship with Sheila? Friendship with Anthony, the potential for their being together?
9. The mother, senility, searching for the father? Wandering off with the money, taking it back to the cemetery? On the roof? Leading Leon to the money? Her calming down again? The contrast with the boys' mother and her dominance?
10. Dysfunctional people, their search, the possibilities for happiness, ordinary lives, sufferings, addictions, sexual orientations, family relationships? A black humorous comment on all of these themes?