Germany, 2000, 132 minutes, Colour.
Franca Potente, Benno Fuermann.
Directed by Tom Tykwer.
The Princess and the Warrior is the third feature film of writer, director and musical composer, Tom Tykwer. He found international recognition with his second film, Run Lola Run. His first film, Winter Sleepers, was also released and found international fame.
This is a more ambitious film. It was made in Wurputtal, a provincial German city. The film focuses on Sissi, a nurse in a psychiatric hospital who, by chance, encounters a former military man, out of work after the death of his wife, Bodo. It transpires that Bodo and his brother are planning to rob a bank in order to go to Australia. However, while being chased through the town, he helps Sissi, who has been knocked over by a truck. She sets out to find him - and their paths cross also during the bank robbery.
The film is beautifully made. The action sequences and some of the interactions are compelling. The film is also one of coincidences - which stretch the imagination a little. However, the film moves into a touch of magic realism in the last half hour and has the theme of people finding their true identities and letting go of their false identities (presented visually literally on screen in the case of Bodo).
In many ways a visceral film. Also, a romance as well as a more philosophical exploration of suffering and meaning in life.
1. The work of Tom Tykwer? His previous films and expectations? The impact of this film?
2. The settings in the city of Wurputtal, the streets, the shops and banks, the mental institution? The landscapes and the cityscapes? The range of the musical score (contributed to by the director) and its range of moods, piano accompaniment, orchestra, classical music, contemporary songs?
3. The title and the mythological tones? Who is at war? Why is Sissi a princess? Fights, battles, chivalry and rescue? The magic realism of the end, especially with Bodo finding his true character?
4. The opening with the woman writing the letter, our following its journey through the post to Sissi? Establishing Sissi as working in the mental institution? Her friend Maria, her relationship with each of the patients, the group sessions and her presence? Her generosity, their depending on her - emotionally, the young man and his sexual dependence, the blind man and his support?
5. The contrast with the world of Bodo, his relationship with his brother, moodiness? Out of work, the story about his wife - and the later flashback and the truth about her suicide? His relationship with his brother and protection? His getting a job, weeping at the funeral (and he irony of the dead woman later being in the locket that Sissi finds in the bank)? His continued weeping, his getting the sack - and his volatility in moods? The martial arts with his brother? The chase through the streets and his escape from the service station men? His hiding under the truck, encountering Sissi, his first aid, giving her life and breath? His disappearance?
6. Sissi and her writing the letter to her friend, going to the bank, accompanying Otto and his blindness? Being hit by the truck, under the truck and her voice-over letter, powerless to move, to breathe? Her watching Bodo and his coming back? The hospitalisation, her recovery, 53 days, the doctors saying there is a miracle? The return, the patients with the cake, their various reactions? Her own moodiness? Her desire to find Bodo? Taking Otto, reconstructing the accident, his remembering the shop, the hostility of the gunman, the photo on the wall, her finding Bodo's house, watching and the martial arts, his violent hitting of her? Sending her away?
7. The plan for the robbing of the bank, Walter and his knowledge, the plans, the digging of the tunnel? Sissi coming back and his rejecting her, allowing her in, telling her the story of Bodo's wife? Bodo and his reaction and sending her out in the rain?
The various patients in the hospital, their illnesses, dependencies, the man hitting Sissi and wanting to be tied up? Emotional outbursts? The breaking of the light by Otto and his eating the glass? The young man ringing the police and telling them that Bodo was in the hospital?
8. The bank robbery, smoothly done, the guard recovering consciousness, Bodo arguing him out of shooting, the manager and his shooting Walter? The presence of Sissi, her arguing the manager out of shooting? The escape through the sewer, leaving the money, the gunman as the getaway driver, going to the hospital?
9. Sissi taking Bodo to the institution, to her room? His wakening, coming into the session, his hearing the news on the television and breaking it, being sedated, assumed that he was a patient?
10. The plan for leaving, Maria and the car, the young man phoning the police, remembering his killing of his mother and trying to kill Bodo in the bath? The chase to the roof? The impact of the three on the roof and the decision of Sissi to jump? Into the water, the escape in the car?
11. The drive, going into the service station, the two Bodos and their getting in the car, the one getting out and going into the imaginary bus with his brother? Bodo and Sissi driving to the seaside to meet Sissi's friend?
12. The blend of realism, imagination, philosophical exploration of meaning and coincidence, finding purpose in life, love, help? The blend of dialogue, visual action, human relationships, music?