Italy, 1969, 96 minutes, Colour.
Giuliano Gemma, Senta Berger, Van Johnson, Fernando Rey.
Directed by Tonino Valerii.
The Price of Power is a very interesting spaghetti western of the late '60s. It was directed by Tonino Valerii and stars Giuliano Gemma, star of many of this kind of western. An interesting piece of casting is Van Johnson as the American president.
The film is stylishly presented, the use of wide screen especially strong for the framing of central characters (especially at the side) with other characters framed in the background. The action sequences are also effective. (And the musical score takes its cue from Ennio Morricone's scores for the Sergio Leone westerns.)
What makes the film of particular interest is that it is a dramatisation of the Kennedy assassination in the context of a 19th century western. The setting is Dallas (with the opening shot of a photo of President Lincoln being burnt). As regards assassination theories, the point of this film is that the racist powers, defeated in the Civil War, have asserted themselves in Dallas and pay the sheriff and hired assassins to try to kill the president - first of all by blowing up a bridge and destroying the train he is journeying in and secondly, actually shooting him as he and his wife travel through the streets of Dallas in a carriage. The film also speculates on the two gunmen from an overpass. There is also a Lee Harvey Oswald type character, an African- American who wants to defend the president and tries to shoot the assassins and who is blamed for the murder and is assassinated by a posse of irate citizens.
There is also a government official who wants the signed confession of the sheriff implicating the powers of the city. The document then will be suppressed for the good of the public.
The film is particularly interesting as yet another Kennedy assassination hypothesis film - others include Flashpoint with Kris Kristofferson and Treat Williams, the film version of Richard Condon's Winter Kills with John Huston and Jeff Bridges. And, of course, there is Oliver Stone's JFK.
1.An interesting and entertaining spaghetti western? The qualities of the spaghetti western? The use of the genre and conventions of the western? The use of European locations, atmospheric musical score, the Continental actors and their performing, American style, but more intensely? The focus on individuals, especially in silent close-ups? The violence of the spaghetti westerns?
2.The use of wide-screen photography, Dallas, the surrounding countryside, the mountains? The desert? The action sequences? The train on the bridge, the pursuits, the shoot-outs? The musical score - and the song in English in the saloon?
3.The title - and its reference to post-Civil War United States? Washington and reform? Texas and local power? Violence and power?
4.The focus on Willer as hero? The background of his imprisonment for treason (and the flashback revelation that he refused to shoot his father)? His father and the knowledge of the plot, his confrontation with Jefferson, reassurances? Wallace and the gang pursuing him and killing him? Willer's friendship with Jack, Jack in prison and escaping? Their working together to try to prevent the assassination? The confrontation and fight with the group at the bridge? Saving the president's life, his meetings with the president and his loyalty? His wanting to avenge his father? The confrontations with Jefferson - and the single bullet, the absence of lights, the cigar fire? His working with Jack, the meeting with McDonald?, Mc Donald seeming to change sides? The confession from Jefferson? The friendship with the doctor, getting the bullet removed, the doctor's loyalty and death? The friendship with the editor of the paper, with Nick in his wheelchair, Nick coming to his rescue? The plan, the money in the box and the explosion killing the guards? The shoot-out with Jefferson? The compromise with Mc Donald and his returning the documents to him? His grief at Jack's death, bringing his body to the courtroom? The picture of the American western hero?
5.The president, the parallels with Kennedy, the president and his wife, the reforms in Washington? Issues of race and the post-Civil War American consciousness? The hostility of Texas? The warnings by McDonald? His being saved on the train, the meeting with Willer? In Dallas, meeting the authorities, discussions with Willer? The assassination? His wife's grief (and the parallels with the Kennedy assassination)?
6.Jefferson, upholding the law, the murder of Willer? The imprisonment of Jack? The torture? The plan, hiring Wallace and his gang? The president escaping assassination? The deals with Pinkerton? Confrontations with Willer, surviving, his playing Russian Roulette with Willer? The deals with Pinkerton and the cover-ups? Escaping from the courtroom? The final shoot-out?
7.Wallace, his thugs, the murder of Willer's father? The attempt at the bridge? His wanting to start another civil war? The capture of Willer? His being persuaded to go back to Pinkerton? The deal and his shooting Pinkerton? His own death? His henchmen and their greed, racism? The explosion with the bait of the money?
8.Dr Stipps, his alcoholism, treating the wounded, his wariness about Jack, racism? His testimony in the court? His death, helping Willer before he died?
9.Jack, the friendship with black and white? The racism against him? Prison, torture, pretending to hang himself, escaping? The death of the old man? Saving the president? In the room, watching the parade? Trying to shoot the assassins? His being blamed, the violence, being transferred, his pleading, the posse killing him? His being carried to the courthouse?
10.McDonald, advising the president, seeming to do a deal with the enemy? The vice-president and his oath of office, McDonald? trying to get time to get the documents about the vice-president? The confrontation with Pinkerton, his death? With Willer, handing over the documents? Receiving them at the station, the cover-up about the assassination?
11.The editor, his own policy, printing the information about Jefferson's guilt? Nick, friendship with Willer, going to his assistance, the guns in his walking stick?
12.Pinkerton and the wealthy leaders of Dallas society? Resentment about the Civil War? The president's reforms? Their reaction to the president's speech and his talking about taxing the privileged rich? Hiring Jefferson, Wallace and his killers? The public face of respectability? The meeting and the vice-president's change of heart? His taking the oath of office? His wanting the documents to be handed over? Pinkerton and his presumption, his death?
13.The popular ingredients of an American western? The drama of the speculation about the Kennedy assassination? The number of shooters? The scapegoat? The public taking into its own hands the killing of the alleged murderer? The reasons for the cover-up - for the good of the American people?