JOHNNY THE PARTISAN (Il Partegiano Johnny)
2000, Italy, 135 minutes, Colour.
Stefano Dionisi.
Directed by Guido Chiesa.
Johnny the Partisan is based on a well-known Italian novel by Beppe Fenoglio. It is set in northern Italy and takes place over two years of World War II. The focus is on a student, Johnny (played by Stefano Dionisi, from such films as Farinelli).
The film starts with newsreel footage of the surrender of Mussolini to Eisenhower. However, the action of the film is the gradual retreat of the Germans from northern Italy, the clash between the partisans and the fascists, centred on the town of Alba.
Johnny is a student, a student of English literature. However, when his friends are killed, he wants to go out and fight. The film is very episodic, giving the names of various seasons or particular dates when action happens (which makes it seem arbitrary and difficult to follow for the outsider). Johnny meets up with various friends, there are various skirmishes and campaigns, they are often on the run, they are often hungry and dirty. They have to make decisions about hostages, killings, spies, exchange of prisoners and remaining loyal to the people in the district.
The film is photographed very darkly - much of the action actually in the dark, which gives the film a gloomy look and makes it very difficult for audiences to respond. Once again, there are many characters, but they seem arbitrarily drawn, sketches and glimpses every so often of particular people.
While the underlying politics of the partisans, the communists, the fascists in Italy during the '30s and 40s is of interest, the film is not particularly engaging for most audiences, and so the exploration of the themes is difficult and audiences are alienated.