UK, 1996, 115 minutes, Colour.
Robert Carlyle.
Directed by Ken Loach.
Director, Ken Loach, has won a number of ecumenical prizes for such films as Riffraff, Raining Stones and Ladybird, Ladybird. A very quiet and mild-mannered man, once he gets behind the camera there is an intensity of concern for people and social problems. The first half of Carla's Song is set in Glasgow. Robert Carlyle (Riffraff, Priest, Go Now, Hamish Macbeth) is a bus driver who befriends a Nicaraguan refugee. Loach, as always, presents a vivid realistic portrait of working class people in the city. The feeling he creates provides us with a strong emotional base for what he shows us of Nicaragua.
The second half is set there when Carla goes back to see her loved ones who have been devastated by war, poverty and repression. These scenes are what we might expect from film-makers disgusted with the cruelty and injustice of civil war in Latin America and US financial, military and political aid. We remember films like Romero. The audience, as outsiders - like George the bus-driver, are jolted. This is serious but satisfying entertainment that helpfully - and hopefully - challenges our values and priorities.
1.The films of Ken Loach? His social concerns? Left of centre politics? His life dedicated to social causes? The quality and impact of his films? Awards?
2.The Glasgow settings, the '80s, the town, the streets, flats, the buses? The contrast with Nicaragua, the city, the towns and their squalor, the streets and the countryside? Affluence and poverty? First and Third Worlds? The use of Panavision photography?
3.The musical score, the echoes of Central American music? The use of songs?
4.The background of the '80s, Scotland and Glasgow, the era of Thatcherism and the move to the right? The contrast with Nicaragua, its history, the American influence, Samosa and his tyranny? The revolt of the Sandanistas? The Contras and their clash with the Sandanistas? American support for the Contras? The information given during the film - George's sister and her explanations of Nicaragua? Audience response (especially to Bradley’s speeches about the CIA and the role of the Americans)?
5.The United States and Nicaragua, the manifest destiny of the United States? Its spheres of influence? The Monroe Doctrine? As applied to Central America, Nicaragua from the 1920s? The role of the CIA in the '80s, supporting the Contras from Honduras? The training of troops? The violence and the killings?
6.The film as an examination of conscience for the First World in its dealings with Third World countries and the sufferings of Nicaragua?
7.George, the typical young Scotsman, bus driver? In himself, cheeky? The issue of Carla's not paying her fare, the inspector and his meticulous demands, George paying the fare? His attitude towards the public? Friendly? The clash with the taxi driver and his taking a stance? His being reported to the bosses, his reports and reactions? His decision to take Carla and the bus to Loch Lomond, being bogged down? Receiving the letter of dismissal?
8.George and his family, the relationship with Maureen, love, dances? His friendship with Sam and calling him a good man, relying on him? Doing his odd jobs, handy around the house? His sister and the discussion about Nicaragua?
9.The attraction to Carla, falling in love with her at first sight? Helping her with the ticket? Her visit to his home, the discussion, offering her the cup of coffee, her giving him the wrong number, his trying to find her, seeing her dancing in the mall? With her, taking her to her lodging, the officiousness of the authority and her being ousted? Taking her to Sam's and Sam helping? Falling in love, the trip to Loch Lomond, his special place of beauty and reflection? The discovery of her attempted suicide, hospital, discovering it was the second time? The audience getting to know more about Carla with George?
10.Carla as a refugee, being on tour with the dance group, knowing Glasgow and the irony of her being so out of place there? On the bus, not being able to pay for her ticket? George and his help, her leaving him? Tracking him down, yet refusing the coffee, giving him the wrong number, wanting to avoid him? Her dancing to raise money? George coming to her home, her picture of Nicaragua, gradually revealing more about herself? Being ousted? Settling at Sam's, the love for George, going to Loch Lomond, being bogged in the mud? The suddenness of her suicide attempt - and it being the second time? George taking care of her, the decision to go to Nicaragua?
11.The quest? George as the ordinary First World man going on a journey of enlightenment? Making decisions, a possibility of salvation for him and for her, self sacrifice?
12.The flight to Nicaragua, the arrival, Carla and her feeling at home? Her having to face her past, her fears, her literal nightmares and trauma, her love for Antonio?
13.Meeting old friends, the secrecy about Antonio and Carla, Antonio's location? The audience and George puzzled by the mystery? Finally the truth being revealed by Bradley, the description of the battle, the description of the torture - it being hard for George to listen to as well as for the audience? A harrowing verbal description of torture by Contras?
14.The poverty of Nicaragua, the dusty city, the old buses, the streets? The friendly people and their singing and dancing? Carla and her gifts and having to leave them? Meeting Norma, seeing her at work, friendship, limited information? Raphael and his teaching, the support for Carla? Her finding her family and their welcome? George following along, not able to speak Spanish - yet being gradually drawn into this world?
15.Bradly and the Christian group of witnesses? Their meeting, the issues? Bradley not wanting poetry of suffering, but detail for action? The incursions of the Contras? Bradley and his support of Carla, hostile to George? Driving the vehicle - and George's practicality in fixing it with soap? The attack on the village, Bradley with George, facing George with choices, whether he should seek out Carla or not, travelling in the bus and the violence of the shooting? His explanation about Antonio and the effect on George? His explanation about himself, working for the CIA, training killers? His life in Nicaragua as a reparation?
16.George and Carla in Nicaragua, joy in each other's company, George and his discoveries, love, sharing, travelling, visits? The amiable evening and the swapping of T-shirts with Harry - and then the sudden attack and his death?
17.The violence of the raid, the accuracy of the attack of the Contras and the targeting of schools and medical centres? Shielding Carla, Harry's death? The impact on George - not used to this kind of violence and unable to take it any more? The letter? Carla's child? The truth about Antonio?
18.The reuniting of Carla and Antonio? Carla's nightmares - and the dramatisation and reconstruction of what happened in the raid, Carla's escape, the violence and death, the torture of Antonio? Bradley giving the details?
19.Carla and her option to stay with Antonio - his music despite his not having a tongue, his disfigurement? Carla and Antonio as symbols of what happened to revolutionaries in '80s Nicaragua?
20.The impact of the film for a Nicaraguan audience? For First World audiences?