Spain/France, 1956, 95 minutes, Black and white.
Betsy Blair, Yves Massard, Rene Blancard, Lila Kedrova
Directed by Juan Luis Bardem.
Calle Mayor (Main Street) is a fine film from Spain of the mid-'50s. Written and directed by Juan Luis Bardem, it has a fine performance by American Betsy Blair. She had been Oscar-nominated the year before for her performance in Marty. Here, once again, she portrays the ageing spinster - no hope of marriage in the small provincial Spanish town. She becomes the butt of jokes - especially the idle young men, hanging around the bars, who dare one of their number to take her out, lead her on and propose. While he does, he feels himself trapped and hurting her. His friend, Federico, challenges him and has to break the heartbreaking news to Isabel.
The film, in black and white, portrays the atmosphere of the town, the walks of the lonely women, their going to church, the young men and their hanging around with nothing better to do. The portrait of the middle-aged women, the delight of her falling in love, her believing her suitor - and then the disillusionment with the final image of her looking out the window is quite devastating. The film is a moving human document.
1.The quality of this film? Its awards?
2.The Spanish film industry of the '50s? The black and white photography, the location photography in the town, creating its atmosphere, by day, by night? The surroundings of the town? The musical score?
3.The title, the focus on the town and its main street, the people in the main street? The atmosphere of towns - and the consequences for people living there as dramatised in the film?
4.The town itself, size, buildings, age? The streets and the traffic? The homes? Offices? Bars? Churches? The people and their being seen in the town itself, on the streets? The promenades, especially on Sunday? The whole atmosphere of the town, gossip?
5.Juan and Federico, their friendship? Juan and his place in the town? Federico and his moving on? Federico and his discussions with the publisher? Their attitudes towards the town? The publisher staying, Federico having to get out? The celebrations? The young men, the friends at the bar? Their having nothing to do?
6.The character of Juan? His place in the town, influenced by the men in the bar? His friendship with Federico? The jokes, the watching of the women? The dare, Juan's weakness in accepting the dare? His approaching Isabel, the encounters, talking with her? His technique in leading her on? The effect on him? The outings, his politeness, going to the movies, taking her to the countryside? Their talk, the proposal and her acceptance? His seeing her joy? The effect on him, going to see the relations, going to see the possible apartment - and the temptation to kill Isabel? His saving her from falling? Federico's return, the challenge? His disgust with himself - and his inability to face reality, his disappearance?
7.Isabel, in the town, her friends, her distinguished background? Family? Going to church? Friendship? The promenades? Her prospects? Approached by Juan, at the station looking at trains leaving? The beginning of the friendship, his courtesy, her response? The infatuation, falling in love? Her joy and exhilaration? At home, seeing her transformed, the comments of people round about? The joy of the outings, the church, the movies (and cherishing the ticket)? The surrounding countryside, picnics? Her declarations of love and affection? His response? Her having no idea of what was happening? The planning for the wedding, her future completely changed? People's support of her? Federico and his telling her the truth - her response, the emotional devastation? The humiliation, Federico offering to take her away? Going to the station, the bewilderment about buying the ticket? Her inability to leave? Her looking out the window - trapped in her house, in the town? No emotional future? Audience response to the pathos of her experience?
8.The young men, their egging each other on, their drinking, behaviour, dares? Their ignorance and callous approach to other people? Their influence on Juan? The challenge by Federico?
9.Themes of emotions, relationships, the shattering of relationships and the devastation of emotions?