US, 1998, 90 minutes, Colour.
Antonio Sabato Jr, Fred Ward, R. Lee Ermey.
Directed by Terry Cunningham.
The Chaos Factor is a US conspiracy theory movie - more designed for video release than for the big screen. It opens in Vietnam with an experimental medical centre which is destroyed by a ruthless racist military leader. 25 years later he is the adviser to the Secretary of Defense in Washington. He is stirring up antagonism towards China, wanting to bring about a war which will back up his own prejudices and anti-Chinese feeling because of his father's death in a previous war.
However, a young military intelligence officer, born in Vietnam (and, we find out eventually, whose mother was killed by the fanatic), gets information, starts to investigate and causes political and military uproar. As expected, all comes good in the end with a political cover-up.
1. Entertainment value in this kind of conspiracy theory movie? The Vietnam war, soldiers missing in action, chemical experimentation? Racism in American officers? Ruthlessness, cover-ups and conspiracy theory?
2. The title, its reference to Camden and his activities? To the young officer and his exploration of the case, his being thwarted, the deaths of so many people? Location photography, the musical score?
3. The prologue in Vietnam: Camden and his interview with his superior officer, the decision to destroy the base, for everything to be covered up? His return, his ruthlessness and cruelty in setting the base aflame? His shooting his officer, swearing Wilder to secrecy? The one escapee?
4. 25 years later: the Cambodian border, the Chinese attacking force, the young man with the basketball standing on the mine, the clearing of the mines? The explosion and the uncovering of the corpse, his box with the diary in it?
5. The Secretary for Defense in hospital, his being advised by Camden and his assistants, specially trained by him? Fomenting war with China?
6. The hero and his discovery in Cambodia, the mines, the body, the box, its contents, his checking out the identity of Wilder, the assistance of the girl in the office, his date with her, hearing of Wilder's death? The further investigations, the pursuit in the car, the girlfriend's death? His being on his own, pursued by Camden's henchmen? The traps, his being bound, the rescue by the Chinese woman?
7. The Chinese woman, in the hospital, death, eluding pursuit? Her being a paid assassin? Rescuing the hero, helping him recover, their relationship?
8. The final confrontation with Camden, the official meeting, the Secretary for Defense, the Chinese delegates, the hotel? The martial arts combined with the shootout style? The confrontation with Camden on the roof? His death?
9. The credibility of this kind of conspiracy and racism: Camden and his background, his behaviour in Vietnam, his rise to political power in Washington? His power over the Secretary of Defense, his specially trained squad? Wilder and his promise of silence, the confrontation by the hero, his ringing Camden, his committing suicide in the plane? The finale with the Secretary of Defense smoothing over everything and the treaty with China?