UK, 2003, 95 minutes, Colour.
Paul Kaye, James Cromwell, Alice Evans, Bernard Cribbens, Johnny Vegas, Mark Little.
Directed by
Lawn bowls. Not the immediate subject that leaps to mind when producers talk about their movie projects. In fact, Australia has produced three feature films about bowls and bowlers, Greenkeeping, The Road to Nhill and Crackerjack. Now, here is the British version, Blackball (which is not entirely unlike Crackerjack in its characters and in its critique of the rather staid traditions of the prim bowling community).
One of the major difficulties with Blackball is not the sport itself. In fact, the tournaments are presented quite interestingly. It is the screen persona of the central character with whom we are meant to sympathise as played by Paul Kaye. He is a yob. Even when he becomes a nicer person, he is still pretty much of a yob. We might agree with his attitude towards the bowlers, but he is not exactly the person you would be dying to meet.
He comes from the wrong side of the tracks and is looked down on by the bowlers who have allowed his grandfather to play for the club - now Bernard Cribbins is a pleasure to see on screen again. So is James Cromwell, sporting an English accent, as the long time club champion who is upstaged by the interloper who seems to have a natural gift for the game. Who will represent England against Australia in the championships (with Mark Little, star of Greenkeeping, as one of the Australian players)? There are many things to enjoy as well as many things which irritate.
You don't have to be Einstein to predict what happens but maybe Einstein could explain the utterly unbelievable romance between Kaye and Cromwell's daughter. Well, perhaps, love is blind.
1. The popularity of lawn bowls? Films about lawn bowls? Australia? England?
2. The setting in Torquay, the filming in the Isle of Man? The atmosphere of Torquay, the seaside resort, homes, the poorer part of the city? The sequences in the homes, in the clubs, the hotels? The TV studios? The musical score and the range of songs?
3. The title, the focus on lawn bowls, fans and enthusiasts, the tradition of older people being bowlers (age 50 with a mentality of 70)? Young people and bowls? The ironic presentation of the bad boy of bowls, getting the same kind of publicity as a rock star, the performance on stage, the stunts? The range of fans?
4. The focus on Cliff, from a poor background, his friendship with Trevor? Their work together, helping his grandfather with the interior decorating, not being very successful? His getting up, going to practise bowls, the rough terrain, his skills? His explaining it to the kids and why he liked it? Wanting to be English champion and play against Australia? His going to the club and making a show of himself? His personality, desperately extrovert, cheeky, resentful of things royal and the establishment, singing "Land of Hope and Glory" ironically? His going to the club, being allowed to play, his various matches, his skills, the performances (blindfold etc)? Everybody's amazement that he would win? His grandfather's price? Ray Speight and his playing against Cliff, losing? His sarcasm to Cliff as he presented the trophy? Cliff writing "Tosser" on the card - and the club finding it in the by-laws to ban him for fifteen years? His anger, erupting, coming to the banquet and bowling the ball down the table? The encounters with Kerry, with the schoolgirls, outside the hotel, learning that Ray Speight was her father? His friendship with her, going to see her, outings, discussions, getting her into the gig by pretending to have a fight with the security guard? Trying to show her the wonder of bowls - and her resentment because of her father? The agent finding him, the smooth talk, looking like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, the smooth talk, the deals with the BBC, the other television stations? His self-assuredness? His training of Cliff, getting him on the television, being the bad boy, photo opportunities, the advertising - and his inability to open the Coke can at the right time? The agent and his buttering Cliff up? Getting him the new home on Millionaires' Row? Cliff and his believing his publicity, the performances on stage, the bad boy, the fans? His treatment of Trevor as an employee, bodyguard? The sexual encounter with Kerry, it being photographed, in the papers? Her being hurt by his cavalier treatment? Their both leaving? His being reinstated, the mercenary attitude of the club members? The preparation for the came itself, meeting with Ray Speight, discovering that he came from the slums but did not run away, Cliff's challenge to him to play with him in the final? The game, the Australians, the press conference, the losing his touch, his running away and tossing the balls into the water, Ray going after him? Their playing together, his success, playing to the gallery and everybody's response? The finale, the ball on the edge, the play-off for sudden death and the achievement? His reconciliation with Kerry, with Trevor, with his grandfather, helping him to work? A future? An irritating character - having to learn courtesy, consideration of others?
5. Ray Speight, James Cromwell performing as an Englishman? Style, age, manner? The explanations of his status at the bowling club? Champion for so many years? His presence in the club, everybody deferring to him, his play? The clash with Cliff, his defeat? His unkind remarks about Cliff's grandfather at the giving of the cup? Glaring at Cliff, doing his best to get rid of him, finding laws to get him banned? His speech at the dinner, Cliff bowling the ball at him and his stopping it? Being Kerry's father and Cliff's discovery? His being the cause of their losing the money at the club because of Cliff's ban? The members of the committee and their starting to plot, their cantankerous attitude? Ray and his pride, polishing his cups? His discovery of the photo of his daughter, his swearing, the committee using this against him? Cliff going to see him, the fact that he came from the slums, made something of himself? Cliff's taunt that he would never risk being champion for England? His decision to play, appreciating Cliff, amazed at his performances and playing to the gallery? Going to rescue him from the water, giving him the final advice about the inward swing? His having to admit that he was older, passing on the baton? His enjoyment of the final victory against the Australians?
6. Cliff's grandfather, his work as a paperhanger, painter? Cliff helping him - but ineffectually? Bringing Cliff up, his speech about taking him to the bowls, Cliff's resentment, the grandfather saying that he saw the genius, taking him week after week, developing the genius? His pride at Cliff's performance, exasperation at his antics? His turn, going to the hospital, on crutches? Disappointed with Cliff and his vanity? Supporting him, the joy at the ending?
7. Trevor, his size, friendship with Cliff, doing everything together, the ironic remarks? His enjoyment of Cliff's antics, supporting him? Cliff then using him, his being put down, the agent and his taunts, having to be bodyguard at the door, his anger, walking out? The friendship with Kerry, her going to see him, challenging Cliff at the press conference? Kerry and Trevor reading the papers after the victory - and Cliff's apology?
8. The committee, the different members, their style, superiority, skill at play, plotting and planning, the agent and the offers of money? Their turning against Ray, finding rules to ban him? The chief councillor and his visits, his ambitions, his advice to the committee?
9. Kerry, schoolteacher, hockey, attracted towards Cliff, exasperated with him, their discussions, her father, her decision to go out him? His performance to get into the gig? Her exasperation about bowls? Falling in love, going to see him, the night together, their being photographed, her reaction to the photo and Cliff's insensitivity, walking out? Trying to be polite, getting the different job after being sacked from school? Finally going to the match, his apology? The importance of his apology to his grandfather using the sign?
10. The agent, his sudden appearance, The Matrix satire, his spiels, with the BBC, the threats, the deals, his being a bluffer? With Cliff and Trevor and the BBC following? His taking over Cliff, transforming his image, capitalising on the bad boy, the audience and the TV treatment, the stunts - and Kerry's surprise? His getting Cliff the house? The confrontation after Cliff realised he had lost Trevor and Kerry? The agent pretending to go out the door and yet coming back? Fired? Drinking, watching the match and claiming that he had made Cliff?
11. The Australians, the joke about their mumbling, their skills, on television, seen as diabolical threats? Their skill at the game, their being beaten?
12. Ray and his job, teaching people to drive, the nurse and her inabilities at bowls, her inability to drive properly? Training Trevor, down on him because of who he was? The young boy and getting the message about Cliff and suddenly stopping the car?
13. All the people at the final match, the Mexican wave, the support? Cliff and his playing to the gallery, and getting Ray to join him in trying to pressurise the ball to go over the edge and continue in the game?
14. The status of bowls, the pleasure that it gives to players, observers, the old rigid traditions, the newcomers, the media takeover?