US, 120 minutes, 2002, Colour.
Directed by Michael Moore
It is so easy to mock Americans. And the rest of the world loves to do it. In this provocative and polemical documentary, noted movie and television director and author turns his highly critical attention on his own country. The Columbine student killings showed that one of the shooters lived for a time in Michigan, Moore's home state. Charlton Heston, outspoken president of the National Rifle Association also comes from Michigan. Moore decided to explore gun violence in America. He draws on a variety of sources from South Park's history of the US, to two victims of Columbine petitioning K- Mart not to sell ammunition (successfully), to a six year old shooting another (also in Michigan where Timothy Mc Veigh practised bomb building before Oklahoma City). There are interviews, news footage, gun commercials, all pieced together to make us both gasp and laugh in disbelief. Moore thinks that 'fear' is the key to American history and society. It is a pity that the final interview with Charlton Heston shows the actor inarticulate before Moore's questioning. The questions were clear and forceful but those who differed took refuge in the second amendment.
1. The perspective on the gun culture of the United States: the commercials, the films, the markets? American statistics on gun ownership compared with other countries? After September 11, 2001? Michael Moore's own history with guns, growing up in Michigan, the membership of the National Rifle Association? The pictures of the National Guard and their attitudes? Michigan National Guards and shootings? The Utah town obliging residents to have guns? The interviews with the range of people owning guns, the statements of fear, protection, cutting out the police as intermediaries and therefore protecting family? The reliance on the Second Amendment about bearing arms? Charlton Heston and his rallies and speeches?
2. Using Michigan as his centre for consideration, his being a native of Flint, knowing Michigan, observing so many aspects of gun culture centring on Michigan? The Columbine Killer spending time in Michigan, Charlton Heston coming from that state, the killing of the six-year-old at school by a six-year-old? The interviews with the sheriff commenting that the social situation and money for work did not solve situations? The mother of the shooter, travelling 90 minutes each way to work, to make fudge and serve the rich, Dick Clark ownership, Michael Moore confronting Dick Clark in California and his not wanting to listen? The suspects for the Columbine killings and the interviews, wanting to be number one on lists? Timothy Mc Veigh going to the Nicholls' farm to prepare bombs before the Oklahoma bombing? James Nicholls and his being released from custody, the interviews about his crops and their being healthy, his paranoia - even to the right to have a nuclear bomb according to the Second Amendment?
3. The investigation into the Columbine Killings, the replaying of footage from the security videos in the cafeteria? The survivors and the interviews? The rallies and the father of the victim explaining the situation, the availability of guns and bullets?
4. American history - and the satiric summary from South Park? The interview with Matt Stone from South Park, coming from Littleton? The theory of fear and its growing, paranoia, people thinking that they must protect themselves - and not being really able to describe the potential enemy, and not having been attacked themselves? The readiness is all? The comment on American newscasts, the presentations of disasters and violence?
5. Television and the coverage of the death of the six-year-old in Michigan, the line-up of interviewers, the personality before the screen and the short-temperedness off screen, their not visiting the town or the state to find out the story behind the story?
6. Michael Moore's visit to Canada, the contrasts, the lack of arms, a hunting country, less tension and less fear? The interviews with the Canadians?
7. Michael Moore and the two survivors of Columbine going to Kmart, going to the headquarters, the public relations person, the managers, the agreement to phase out the selling of bullets within ninety days?
8. September 11, the repercussions, the historical background of aid to rogue countries like Iraq against Iran, for the Sudan, for the Taliban in Afghanistan, for arming Osima bin Laden against the Russians? The repercussions for the Americans? President Bush's speeches, the priority of defence over all social issues?
9. Moore's decision to interview Charlton Heston, going to his home, Heston listening to him, the sharp questions, Heston unable to articulate any clear answer? His own guns, being ready for an attack even though he had never been attacked? The failure of the gun lobby to explain anything philosophically or morally except the reliance on the Second Amendment, the freedoms of the United States, the defence of the great nation?
10. Issues of violence, American fear, American madness, social and political issues?
11. Moore's serious intent but his use of humour and satire to make points that will stay within the minds and emotions of an audience?