Australia, 1980, 63 minutes, Colour.
Jonn Flaus, Bryan Brown, Chrissie James, Michael Carman
Directed by Chris Fitchett.
Blood Money is an interesting example of film-making in Australia in the '70s: small budget material, short running time, the use of professional actors, quality photography and credits. The film is experimental, the type of film to help young film-makers on their way. As such, the film is quite interesting and a creditable piece of work. This kind of film has some commercial potential as supporting material to main features. There are rough edges, some of the screen play is somewhat banal, some action seems unmotivated. However, allowances being made, the film has some strength in presenting Australian characters within their environment, especially the city. It shows a background of crime as well as implications of a love story. John Flaus is strong as the central character and there is good support from Bryan Brown - who appeared in so many features of the late '70s. The plot is a good example of the kind of story that abounds in Australia and is worth considering for film material.
1. The quality of the film as a short feature? Impact? Entertainment? Serious themes, character study?
2. The film's use of Sydney and Melbourne locations, atmosphere? The effect of each city on Pete? Colour photography, editing, special effects, musical score?
3. The portrayal of the criminal world? People, personalities? Codes of values, morals? Taking violence for granted? Robberies, murder? Police investigation, arrests? Pete and his stances? Brian? Values? The audience judgment on the criminal world?
4. The quotation about death at the beginning? Death and the meaning of life? Facing death, courage, putting one's affairs in order - according to one's code? Existential themes of the meaning of life and death?
5. The character of Pete as hero? Running during the credits, cough and illness, friendliness with the boys? His own friends, the landlady? Audience sympathy -the transition to the robbery and the violence? Changes in sympathy? The robbery, his escape and skills? His illness and deciding to leave Sydney? The advice of the doctor? Packing up and the decision to return home with its consequences?
6. The presentation of the robbery, its seeming ease? Erratic behaviour? Deaths? The taking of the manager as hostage? The police and the traffic tickets? The brevity of the violence?
7. The prologue and its effect on understanding Pete within this context? Our judgments on him and the robbery? The complications of sympathy about his death and his violence? The journey to Melbourne, transition? The seeking out of Jeannie and the affection in the reunion? Brian and his coming home from work, offhanded manner, hostility? Pete's love for Kathy? His awkwardness in the household, the suggestions about the relationships in the past? The tension with each? His decisions about staying in a flat, working? His seeing each of the characters - manipulating Brian for the robbery job and the shooting? The farewell to Jeannie? The getting of the blood money for Kathy?
8. The portrait of Jeannie - at home, past relationship with Pete, the fatherhood of Kathy? The meal sequence? Brian's jealousy and her reaction? The gift, going for a work with Pete and discussing the past? A realistic portrait? Her relationship with her daughter and receiving the money?
9. The character of Brian - the younger brother, rivalry, the love for Jeannie? His attitudes in the house? His not being able to keep work? The sequence of his being sacked? His anger, taking on the driving job? His presence at the end and his shooting Pete? Their reunion with Kathy - the film's suggestions about Brian's thoughts on Pete at the end?
10. Pete and his taking up old threads? The baiting of Anderson and the fight? The following of Curtis' daughter, the kidnapping sequence and his treatment of the girl? Curtis and his way of life, wealth? Dan and the other criminals? The chase sequence with the kidnapping? His entering the house, stealing the money from Curds? The confrontation with Dan and his shooting him as an execution? The fact that he was to die being the criterion for his executing what seemed justice to him?
11. The final confrontation - the glimpse of the criminal world, robberies, insurance and robberies, Curtis and the double-crossing? Pete and his giving his daughter over to Curtis? His being shot after being surrounded by the cars?
12. Personal code, death? Death with dignity and order? The writer-director's intention of blending a crime story with a love story?