US, 1994, 99 minutes, Colour.
John Cusack, Diane Wiest, Jennifer Tilly, Chazz Palminteri, Jim Broadbent, Mary- Louise Parker, Jack Warden, Rob Reiner, Tracy Ullman, Harvey Fierstein.
Directed by Woody Allen.
Bullets Over Broadway won a number of Oscar nominations including best director for Woody Allen. Diane Weist and Jennifer Tilly also won nominations for best supporting actress and Diane Weist won (she had also won the same award for Hannah and her Sisters in 1986). Woody Allen (who does not appear in the film) has gone back to the '20s in his favourite place on earth, Manhattan. John Cusack plays the `Allen role', an aspiring playwright - aspiring to be Eugene O'Neill or Maxwell Anderson - whose play is to be put on on Broadway.
But it is being financed by Mafia money. A Don's girlfriend (Meg Tilley) has to be the star. A minder is on hand all the time - and has a better sense of theatre than the author. The cast are all eccentric - and include Jim Broadbent, Tracy Ullman. The prima donna leading lady seems to be modelled on Sunset Boulevard's Norma Desmond. It all combines to make a crisp and funny satire, touches of US nostalgia in the effective re-creation of the Roaring Twenties period.
Diane Weist, star of so many Allen films, is a stand-out as the prima donna. Her use of the phrase, `Don't speak,' is likely to pass into the famous movie lines. Chazz Palmenteri (writer of A Bronx Tale and its star) is excellent as the minder - and he too has the chance to say, `Don't speak.'
1.An entertaining Woody Allen film, the world of New York, the '20s, theatre, explorations of art and artistry?
2.The re-creation of the '20s, costume and decor, the theatre, homes and apartments, the world of the gangsters? Allen's liking of songs of the period and their being used - with irony?
3.Woody Allen's wit, humour, creation of characters, situations, the film working on various levels from farce to philosophical reflection about art?
4.The title and its jokiness, the theatre, gangsters?
5.David and his naivety, his plays, his driving ambition, the references to Eugene O'Neill and Maxwell Anderson? The discussions with Julian, his mouthing ideas of artistic integrity? His relationship with his girlfriend, the background in Pittsburgh? His wanting the play to go on, his love of having stars? The meeting with the gangsters and his anxiety attack? His having to compromise? Starry-eyed with Helen Sinclair as the star in comparison with Olive? His decision to keep the diary about the rehearsals, the arrival and the different styles of his cast? His reliance on his production team, contact with Julian Marx? Cheech and his arrival, the bodyguard, sitting and watching, David being nervous? The difficulties of performance, the various changes? His succumbing to Helen and her wiles and suggestions? His confession to his friend about his affair with Helen, lying to his girlfriend? Having to deal with the tantrums of the cast? The comments by Cheech, the various changes, his initial reactions, going to Cheech for discussions, the rewrites - playing pool while Cheech rewrote? The decision whether to claim authorship or not? His dissatisfaction with Olive? The out of town tryouts? His reaction to Olive's death? The success of the play? His declaration of love - after being surprised at his girlfriend's relationship with is best friend? His admitting that he was not an artist, going back to Pittsburgh? Discovering some integrity?
6.Julian and the world of the producer, his emphasis on the real world and deals, going to the gangsters, getting their support, the restaurants and the discussions, his arguments in favour of Olive? The presentation of the production team and their work during rehearsals?
7.Nick and the gangsters, the initial murders and their offhand dramatisation - and the corny conversations of the killers afterwards? Cheech in this world, taking himself seriously, loyalty? The various murders? Nick and his phone calls, doing business, going to the cabaret, his relationship with Olive? Her complaints, his promise to make her a star, the meetings with Julian and David? His worries about Olive and his employing Cheech?
8.Olive and her voice, the dancing, her ignorance, lack of vocabulary, her story and her past, the audition and meeting (her reaction to her maid)? The arrival, the performance, Cheech and his presence, helping her learn her lines, the attraction towards Warner, seeing him? The grotesqueness of her performance? Her reactions to Nick? Cheech's decision to take her out and shoot her - literally?
9.Eden, in the cast, her dog, her verve and her humour, her tantrums?
10.Warner Purcell, his self-important style, pompous, eating problem, the performance, his reactions, furtive eating? The attraction to Olive, going out together, being warned off by Cheech? His fears, in his underwear after the performance and the interview in the street?
11.Helen and her Gloria Swanson style, her appearance, her words, Diane Weist's tone of voice? Her apartment and its decor, the discussions about her drinking, despising of the play, changing her mind, her self-image, taking on David as a protege? Her wiles and seduction? Arriving late at the rehearsal, her going through her various roles and speaking to the theatre, her way of carrying on? Her strategies for change? The encounters with David, in the park, their affair? The humorous use of the phrase, "Don't speak"?
12.Cheech, his being the bodyguard, his natural skills, watching and making comment? Gradual taking over of the play, doing the rewrites, discussion of the motivation? The whole cast endorsing his ideas? His going out to do the killings, the discussion with David about his work? His exasperation with Olive - and killing her? His own death - don't speak?
13.The girlfriend and David's friend, the cafe table discussion about art? The relationship, the advice from the friend, the irony of the affair - and the loud discussion in the street about sexuality?
14.David, the reconciliation, a future?
15.Woody Allen's skill with blending farce and wit, theatre, phoniness and integrity?