US, 1984, 120 minutes, Colour.
Matthew Modine, Nicolas Cage, Karen Young, Bruno Kirby.
Directed by Alan Parker.
Birdy is based on a novel by William Wharton (author of Dad, filmed with Jack Lemmon and Ted Danson). It has been situated in the context of the Vietnam War for this film.
The film was directed by Alan Parker, the significant director of such films as Midnight Express, Fame, Angel Heart, Come See the Paradise, Evita, The Commitments, Angela's Ashes.
The film is an interesting presentation of the friendship between two young men living in the slums of Philadelphia, the young man who is more fascinated with birds than with human beings and relationships and who, after traumatic experience in action in Vietnam, opts to be a bird. His friend, an outgoing young man, shares his experiences but clashes finally and goes off to war. Also wounded, he comes back to try to help in the rehabilitation of his friend.
Nicolas Cage is excellent as the outgoing friend and matches the brooding intensity of Matthew Modine as Birdy. There is a good supporting cast including Karen Young and Bruno Kirby.
There are some action sequences suggesting the experience of combat in Vietnam. However, the film focuses more on friendship and the need for Birdy to come to terms with himself and come back to the world.
1.The impact of the film? The novels of William Wharton? The films of Alan Parker?
2.The title of the film, the focus on character, on birds, the nature of birds and bird experience so that the character could identify with birds and the audience identify with this experience?
3.Philadelphia in the '60s, the inner city and the atmosphere of authenticity? The short Vietnam sequences and action? The hospital? The musical score, the use of popular songs, especially `La Bamba'?
4.The structure of the film: Birdy perched in the cell, Al's arrival, the attempts to communicate, the range of flashbacks (whose memories, Al's or Birdy's or both?), memories and love as therapy?
5.Al and his being injured, bandaged, his arrival? The encounter with the conscientious objector as wardsman, Hannah as the nurse? His interactions with them and the helping of Birdy? The psychologist and their discussions, the hopes of the psychologist, his doubts? Al's hopes, in Birdy's presence, trying to communicate, his memories, moves to anger, frustration, pleading? The doctor and his scepticism and wanting Al to go back to base? The sequence with the secretary - and his spitting, the doctor's explanation of trauma and overcoming trauma? Al's insight into getting the baseballs? Their effect? Feeding Birdy? Talking to him? The ultimate frustration, wanting to leave? Birdy's reaction, running through the institution? On the roof and Birdy swooping off the roof and the final laughter? His contribution to Birdy's rehabilitation? Nicholas Cage's strong presence, portrait of a complex character - in the slums, in friendship with Birdy, in the rehabilitation?
6.Birdy as the quiet young man in the suburbs, in the tree, his reactions to his mother always being tough on him, the contrast with his father and his genial approach? His father pleading with him to go out into the world, seeing the father at work, and at the dance? The confrontation with Al about the knife, giving the knife back, the growing friendship? The pigeons and training them to be homing pigeons? Climbing the bridges, training the pigeons? Buying the aviary and setting it up? The buying of the car? Birdy's sheltered life and the trip to Atlantic City - the beach, the girls? Birdy and his introversion - with the canary, petting the canary, trying to talk canary language? Admiring birds, watching them, the class demonstration and his intensity? Perching in his room? The prom, the sexual advance, perched naked in his room? The attempts to fly, building the wings, the demonstration, falling into the water? The clash with Al and his father over the car, his angers? Justice? His feelings of being caged in his room, the canary and the cat, the canary crashing into the window and being killed as Al left? The clashes with Al and Al going to war? The film not giving background as to how Birdy was called up and went to war? The Vietnam sequences, his injuries? No communication, sitting in the cell, being fed? Perched like a bird? His memories?
7.Al in the context of his family, playing ball, the incident of the knife, friendship, sharing things with Birdy, the final anger and leaving?
8.The context of Vietnam, the war sequences, audiences experiencing combat and injury?
9.The personality of the doctor, his treatment of Birdy, harsh style? Wanting the best for Birdy, trying to have hope in Al? His threats to return Al? The conscientious objector, the nurse, the secretary and his trauma and spitting?
10.The sketch of Al's parents, Italians in Philadelphia, the big family, dominating Al, the incident with the car? The contrast with Birdy's parents, the mother and her domination, the gentle father, not wanting to embarrass his son at the prom? His mother finally sending the baseballs?
11.The young people in Philadelphia, at school, Birdy and Al in the context of their peers?
12.The bird theme - the techniques used by the director to help audiences understand birds, flying, the exhilaration of the bird experience? Camera angles, flight?
13.Audience hopes in terms of Al's rehabilitating Birdy? Sharing the communication, the frustration and the anger?
14.The impact of the ending? The seeming tragedy? Birdy's running through the building, Al's pursuing him, the desperation, Birdy poised with his arms outstretched as a bird, and the landing on the roof nearby and Birdy laughing?