US, 1991, 106 minutes, Colour.
Dustin Hoffman, Bruce Willis, Nicole Kidman, Loren Dean, Steven Hill, Steve Buscemi.
Directed by Robert Benton.
Billy Bathgate is an adaptation of E.L. Doctorow's novel (Doctorow writing Daniel, Ragtime). The screenplay was written by playwright Tom Stoppard (who adapted Empire of the Sun and wrote and directed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead). The film was directed by Robert Benton, Oscar winner for Kramer vs Kramer, and he is here reunited with his Kramer star, Dustin Hoffman.
The film was released at the time of a renewed interest in gangster films - Mobsters, Bugsy, Godfather III. However, it is lower key than each of these films.
The film re-creates the atmosphere of New York City 1935, upper New York State and Saratoga with its racetrack. Dustin Hoffman is generally low key as Dutch Schultz. He erupts into gross violence but then subsides into an even style and manner. He contrasts with Bruce Willis as Bo Weinberg, who betrays Schultz to Lucky Luciano. Nicole Kidman is the fashionable Mrs Drew Preston, a thrillseeker who has affairs with gangsters. There is an excellent performance by Steven Hill as Otto Berman, the gang's accountant, as well as Steve Buscemi as Irving. The central role of Billy Bathgate is played effectively by Loren Dean. The audience sees the events and characters through the eyes of the innocent Billy, a young man caught up in the idealism of the gangs, knowing no other way. He is also lucky - in being taken on by Schultz, advised by Berman, a friend of Weinberg, seduced by Mrs Preston - and surviving to help Lucky Luciano.
The film re-creates the atmosphere of the times in costume and decor and with the musical score. The photography is by Nestor Almendros.
1.The popularity of gangster films in the early '90s? Re creation of period, portrait of a gangster, interpretation?
2.The perspectives of Doctorow's novel? The adaptation? The literary background and the cinematic adaptation?
3.New York in 1935, the city, the world of the gangsters? Upstate? Saratoga? The musical score, the period songs?
4.The strength of the cast, their screen presence? Types?
5.The title and the focus, Billy's perspective? The visual equivalent of first-person narrative? The American Dream? The innocent observer, becoming participant? Gangsters and ambition?
6.The framework of Billy and on the tug, the gang, Schultz, Mrs Drew Preston? Bo Weinberg and his being about to be executed? The return to this sequence, Drew taken down below? The later return with Bo's death and his asking Billy to protect Drew?
7.Billy and Bo talking, Billy's story of the bootleg depot, his friends in the street, idolising Dutch Schultz, his juggling performance, Dutch's tip, buying the gun, his girlfriend? His being taken on in the gang? Finding the numbers headquarters? The world of the streets, the innocent, yet shrewd? The idealising of gangsters? Otto Berman and his age and experience, his work for Dutch, his friendship with Billy, the scenes together, his advice, sayings? The strength of loyalty? Yet his deadliness, unscrupulous? Arranging the tax trial transfers? The keeping of the books? Billy and Drew going to Saratoga? His trying to protect Billy?
9.Billy as a scout, keeping an eye on rival gangs, the smashing, the identifying of the hoodlum, his identifying him to Dutch and Dutch's vicious outburst?
10.Dutch Schultz, Dustin Hoffman's interpretation and style, his background, the gang, bootleg empire, rivals - and the eruption of violence in the nightclub, with Martin? His liaison with Drew? His asking Billy to guard her? His ways of doing business? Betrayals? The evidence against Bo Weinberg, their previous friendship and collaboration? Taking him onto the tug and killing him?
11.Drew Preston and her style, wealth, claiming Schultz as `my gangster'? Her homosexual husband and the cover of the marriage? His absences? Her affairs? Love for Dutch or not? The attraction towards Billy, his guarding her, his loyalty? Their posing in the town as protegee and governess? Their beginning to deceive Dutch? The seduction and the affair? Going to Saratoga?
12.Dutch going upstate, the tax trial, his ways of winning over the residents of the town, tactics? The decision to be baptised, Lucky Luciano as his sponsor? The ceremony? And yet the violence and his killing Martin?
13.Billy overhearing the plans about the need for Drew's death? His decision to get her out, ringing her husband, the irony of his attempt - and Otto saving him?
14.Schultz and his return to New York, the attack by Dewey, moving to New Jersey, the evidence about Weinberg and his connection with Luciano? The betrayal of Dutch Schultz and the massacre of his gang?
15.Billy caught by Luciano but saved, putting the finger on Dixie Davis? His luck and his being a survivor?
16.A portrait of the times but an interpretation of the American Dream, ambitions, gangsters, innocence and responsibility?