US, 1977, 97 minutes, Colour.
Gene Hackman, Candice Bergen, Richard Widmark, Mickey Rooney, Edward Albert, Eli Wallach.
Directed by Stanley Kramer.
The Domino Principle has had very bad press since its release. There are comments that it was originally much longer and Stanley Kramer had to cut out a great deal of material, thus making the plot somewhat confusing. Be that as it may, it is very much a 70s story, a focus on a Vietnam veteran who is unable to settle home, who is in prison, achieved skills with shooting and is employed by a shadowy agency to perform an assassination.
This is similar material to the films of the period including The Parallax View and Night Moves with Gene Hackman. Hackman here is the Vietnam veteran, Richard Widmark and Eli Wallach are villainous types as is Edward Albert. Candice Bergen appears as Gene Hackman’s wife.
The film works as an action film, though too many people have found the plot difficult and given up on it.
Stanley Kramer had been a producer of very strong films in the early 1950s including The Men, Viva Zapata. He began directing with Not as a Stranger in 1955. He made significant films like The Defiant Ones and Judgment at Nuremberg. However, his films of the 1960s were rather inflated including It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. This was his second-last film. His last was the story of a priest and a nun – the Runner Stumbles with Dick van Dyke.
1. The importance of the prologue, the focus on assassinations, the documentary footage, the portentous political comment, indications of manipulation? As illustrated throughout the film?
2. The importance of the title, implications and application? Visualised?
3. The focus on Roy Tucker and Jean Rackman's style? The importance of the build-up of photos during the credits and the indication of character? Roy Tucker as an American, a fighter, a violent man, responsible for deaths, going to Vietnam and his experience there? The old heritage of American violence? A character who could kill?
4. The portrayal of prison, the way of prison life? Tucker in maximum security? The camera roving over the cells of the buildings, immersing us in the experience of prison to share Tucker's wanting to be away from it? The sinister aspects of the warden being in league with Tagge? The mystery of Tagge and his bland offers?
5. Rose Pine and his offhand patronising attitude to Tucker? The puzzle of what they are offering, their interrogation? The temptation for him to get out? The treatment that he received from both? His suspicions, off-handed curiosity? His being patronised? The ironic significance of his being egged on by Spiventa? The character of Spiventa, his stories and their preoccupation with sex? His store? The irony when later discovering Spiventa was a plant?
6. The psychological build-up for his decision to go? The ease with which it was arranged? The impulse of Spiventa going also? The scene in the yard and the atmosphere for leaving, going out, the car, the effect of Spiventa’s being shot? His being drugged and the transition to San Francisco? His response to the treatment. security, General Reser? Security, freedom and lack of freedom? The irony and cruelty of his consulting the lawyer, and the television news of the death? His retaliation by battering the security guard?
7. The personality of Tagge and his function, General Reibe and his presence, plans, Pine and the genius and his control? how well delineated were their characters? The audience sharing Tucker's point of view?
7. Why was it important that the mystery was held about the cause? And the mystery of the victim? Was it important to know? Comment on the modern world with anonymous cause and anonymous victims?
8. The transition to Costa Rica and the villa. Their encounter with Bly? The quality of Tucker's love for his wife? The background of Riggenal’s death? the jail sentences? His sending her letter back? Her story about the time after prison and her telling lies? Who's telling lies? The presentation of happiness, the lyric sequences especially on the beach? The fact that less than the truth was told between them? Yet the possibility of happiness?
9.The transition to Los Angeles and the presence of the three mystery lien? Their trapping Tucker by using Bly? His being forced to assassination? The visualising and excitement of the assassination sequence? His confession and the revelation that there were other assassins? The mystery and the puzzle of such procedure?
10. The final encounter with Tagge and his telling the truth to Tucker? The suspense of Tucker being in the plane and the inability to help save Tagge from death?
11. Tagge's talk about May and the domino principle? Who were they? What clues were given, was it important, their canoe, aims? morality? means?
12. Tucker's disillusionment and yet his hoping to regain happiness in Costa Rica? The irony of his missing passport, his money withdrawn, his being abandoned? The hope In seeing Elie again and the brutality of her death?
13. The cold truth about Spiventa and the irony of Spiventa and Pine unsuspecting their killing? The sudden brutality of their deaths? What had happened to Tucker?
14. The importance of the final voice over monologue of self determination and the irony of the rifle sights coming into focus? Is there no escape for individuals?
15. Thriller conventions? Quality, pace. excitement and interest?
16. Political themes, manipulation, society, unanimity. human nature? Standards of good and evil?