Italy, 1979, 93 minutes, Colour.
Barbara Back, Claudio Cassinelli, Richard Johnson, Joseph Cotton, Cameron Mitchell, Mel Ferrer.
Directed by Sergio Martino, Miller Drake.
One of several Italian horror science fiction films of the late seventies. These might be called "spaghetti" horror films by the same director Sergio Martino, Contamination, all capitalise on the basic plots of English and American films. They are then given the operatic and melodramatic Italianate treatment. This is characterised by a use of the conventions of the genre, much gore and horror which some censors have found excessive.
This particular film is based on such mad doctor stories as have always been popular, as well as H.G.Wells's The Island of Dr Moreau. This basic horror theme is linked up with The Lost Treasure Of Atlantis; the mutants are being trained to live under water and will dive for the lost gold of Atlantis. The Italian spaghetti horror films also have international casts. Richard Johnson starred in Zombie Flesh Eaters and is also the star of this film. Joseph Cotten also makes an appearance as a mad doctor. The film is gruesome but not much more than its American counterparts. It is a good example of seeing how the Italians change and develop the horror genres.
1. The impact of this horror film? Its quality?
2. The perennial appeal of horror: nightmares, monsters, death, violence? Audiences enjoying being scared and facing up to the monsters of the unconscious?
3. The Italian "spaghetti" horror and its style? The borrowing of American and English stories and genres? The melodramatic tone? The physical violence?
4. The colour photography, Panavision, musical score? The importance of the special effects? make-up, the destruction of the island?
5. The atmosphere of 1891, the use of the Caribbean with its
voodoo overtones, the picturing of the island, the volcanoes and their danger, the story of Atlantis near the Caribbean island? The film's creation of period atmosphere?
6. The Atlantis story and greed and the way that this was combined with the basic mad doctor story and H.G.Wells's Island Of Dr Moreau where the mad doctor changes humans into animal mutants? How well did the screen play combine these strands?
7. The impact of the opening with the wreck, Claude and Jose surviving, the mystery of the island, the fish and the destruction? A horror atmosphere and mystery?
8. The presence on the island of the owner and his daughter? The puzzle about his presence, saving the men? The atmosphere of mystery about his home? The voodoo attendants and their zombie-like atmosphere?
9. The introduction of the mad doctor, his seeming to heal the hero, the gradual revelation of his experiments? Claude and his fascination with Amanda?
10. The build-up of the themes of the mutants, the discovery of the crew becoming fish men, the special effects of make-up for the horror of the fish men, their being shown training to dive for the treasure of Atlantis, the mad owner's control over them, over the doctor? The doctor and his madness? His background and exile to the island?
11. The build-up to the crises? The eruption of the volcanoes, the need to get the gold, the doctor and his death? Claude and his being imprisoned to become a fish man? The build-up of tension with the water in the tank? Amanda and her desperation?
12. The reaction of the zombies against the matter? The eruption of the volcanoes? The getting of the gold? The build-up to the escape? The spectacular finale and destruction?
13. How entertaining a horror story incorporating mad doctors and zombies? The threat to the hero? The setting in the past? The fable about man playing God and changing nature and nature's vengeance?