US, 1990, 115 minutes. Colour.
Jessica Lange, Arliss Howard, Joan Cusack, Chris O’ Donnell, Kathy Bates, Tom Mason, Charlie Korsmo, Belita Moreno, Jim Haynie.
Directed by Paul Brickman.
Men Don’t Leave is an American adaptation of a French film, La Vie Continue… directed by Moshe Mizrahi.
The film is a portrait of a family, an ordinary American family, mother, father and two children. When the father is killed in an accident, the mother has to cope, especially with a large debt. Her older son, seventeen, is cantankerous and resents the selling of the truck and the house. The young boy, nine, is a more delicate boy and misses his father. They transfer from a small American town to Baltimore, and the film shows the various things that happen to them in Baltimore, struggles, clashes, eventual reconciliation and understanding, a basis for a future.
Jessica Lange is very good as the mother. Arliss Howard is unassuming as a musician that she meets in Baltimore. There is an oddball performance by Joan Cusack as a thirtyish woman who takes a shine to the seventeen-year-old who is played by Chris O’ Donnell in his first film role. Charlie Korsmo is the young boy. There is an appearance by Kathy Bates, just before she won her Oscar for Misery, as a self-absorbed owner of a restaurant.
The film was directed by Paul Brickman who wrote and directed Risky Business – and there is a tongue-in-cheek reference as father and son have been to see Risky Business and make comments on it.
The film is worth seeing as a portrait of ordinary people trying to cope with a death and trying to struggle with the aftermath.
1. The titles of the film? Men Don’t Leave and its implication with the father dying? The French film, Life Continues?
2. The small town life, the contrast with life in Baltimore?
3. The family and its life in the town, the nuclear family, at home, school, details?
4. The tragedy and its effect, the decision about selling the truck and Chris’s reaction? The discussions about selling the house? The resistance of the boys? Their having to accept the sale? Moving and adapting to the city?
5. Beth and John, together, the years, their children, loyalty and love, John busy, the accident? The police, the funeral, grief?
6. Beth and the sense of loss, the information by the police, going to the hospital, the funeral, with her sons? The discussions about the will, the debts? Getting a job, at the checkout counter? Her being stern with her sons? Chris and his reactions? Eventually selling the truck and giving advice to the owner? Matt wanting his father? The reactions to the selling of the house?
7. Life in Baltimore, the upstairs apartment, settling in, unpacking and not? Beth and her getting the job with Lisa, Lisa’s manner, ordering people around, Beth resigning? The delivery, the encounter with Charles? The orchestra? His invitation to the recital? Going out, Chris’s reaction when she came home, hostility towards Charles? Their sharing the music? Charles and his wife, his son? Beth and her comment about not having an affair?
8. Chris at seventeen, his meeting Jody, the awkwardness in the elevator, Jody and her directness, inviting Chris to her apartment, the meal, changing his clothes, her wanting to do good, the clashes with Beth, Chris and his moving in? Jody and her challenging Beth, getting her up, showering her, the meal, driving her, the balloon ride?
9. Matt, his age, his young friend, their stealing, working with the dealer, bargaining for money, the Lotto, the ticket, Matt and his going to the Buckleys’, their reaction to Beth and her treatment of Matt? The Lotto and the clash, the boy keeping the ticket, the family supporting him? His leaving Baltimore and going back home?
10. Beth, her collapse, resuming life, the family time, the failed dinner, family time becoming important, getting the others to join with the family?
11. Beth, Charles, going to see him after the abrupt departure, his playing the music in the corridor? His wife, the child? Future for Beth and Charles?
12. Lisa and her acceptance of Beth, Beth baking the cakes? Beth and her baking, the muffins – and throwing them out the window in exasperation? A future with Lisa, Lisa revealing her own self-centredness?
13. Slices of life, conflicts, grief, coping?