US, 1977, 104 minutes, Colour.
Eddie Albert, Ann Wedgeworth, Rip Torn.
Directed by Delbert Mann.
Birch Interval is the name of a town. The film was made on location in Pennsylvania, in the area where the Amish have settled. This story focuses on children in 1947, the aftermath of World War Two, problems with the law and education, problems with those with mental illness and the treatment of them.
Eddie Albert has a good role as the patriarch of the family and Rip Torn has an uncharacteristic role as a gentle father suffering from mental and physical illness. However, the characters are seen generally from the point of view of a young girl, a cousin who cones to live with the family at Birch interval. There is a background of the Amish which gives an interesting flavour to the plot. (The best film on the Amish is Peter Weir's Witness.)
The film has great human feeling, is directed by Delbert Mann (Oscar-winner for Marty) who specialised in this kind of film and telemovie.
1. A piece of Americana? Children? The 40s? Rural communities? The Amish?
2. The Pennsylvania locations: the town, the farms, the general atmosphere? The musical score and its cool?
3. The title and the focus on the town, the way of life, the people?
4. The focus on Jesse: the young girl, her mother from Birch Interval but leaving and going to Paris, her travelling on the bus and explaining her self, the arrival in the town and meeting Pop and Uncle Thomas, Auntie Marie and the cousins? Thomas' behaviour? At the house, her relation ship with the family, her love for Uncle Thomas in his eccentricity, her admiration for Pop, her love for her cousin Samuel? His taking her to see Mrs Tanner and her fear of the witch? Her playing tricks with Samuel with her cousin? His being hurt and her being hurt? The continual puzzle of Jonas' behaviour, his absence? Samuel telling her the secret and her going to see him, their looking after him? The friendship with the Amish, and her going to the religious ceremony? Going to school and her delight in reading, trying to get Samuel to go to school? Pop's standing up for the Amish with the questions about their going to school or not? In the fields? The burning of Mrs. Tanner's house and her getting Samuel? The complications with Thomas and the signing of the documents, his being taken to the hospital? Her disappointment with Pop? The funeral, talking with Samuel in his grief, the going to see the policeman and her accusation about his relationship with Marie? Her learning not to judge - and her going back to Pop? Tie experiences of childhood - for her future?
5. Pop and his ancestry, working in the area, his parents, his farm? Come for Thomas? Trying to control him? Not understanding? His love for the grandchildren? For Marie? Roy standing up for the Amish? The decision about sending Thrias to the institution? Going to visit him? His death and the funeral? Jesse's attack? His trying to explain to her not to be judgmental? That standing up for people meant - and its complexities?
6. Thomas and his behaviour, the sign on the clock, his mending the watches, going off by himself? The clashes with Tarie? His mental instability? Hiding away, Samuel looking after him? The pneumonia? His decision to come back? The reconciliation with Marie? His desperation in being taken to the asylum? In hospital, Jesse's gift, the reconciliation with Marie? His death?
7. Marie, the contrast with Jesse's mother? Her love for her family? The attraction towards the policeman? her desperation? Tack, of communication with Thomas? The reconciliation at the end?
8. The children: Samuel and his love for his father, looking after him? Wanting to work? The fascination with Mrs. Tanner, her plots, Jesse and his sister playing tricks on him? The reconciliation with Jesse? The pathos of his father's death? The sketch of his sister?
g. Mrs. Tanner and her reputation as a witch, Samuel looking after her? Her attitude towards Jesse? The house burning down and Pop caring for her?
10. The sketch of the Amish, their way of life, their diligence, religious services and tradition? Their pacifism? The attitude of the school authorities? Charlie and his laying down the law?
11. Charlie and his relationship with Marie, his handling of the case of Thomas? The confrontation with Jesse?
12. A piece of Americana? Portrait of human nature and human interactions?