US, 1954, 108 minutes, Colour.
Gene Kelly, Van Johnson, Cyd Charisse, Elaine Stewart, Barry Jones.
Directed by Vincente Minnelli.
Brigadoon is a pleasing musical from Lerner and Loewe. The two have been famous for such musicals as Paint Your Wagon, My Fair Lady, Camelot, The Little Prince.
This is a pleasant fantasy, a fairy story about a town which comes alive once every hundred years. Nostalgia and wistfulness are the themes. The film has been adapted to the style of Gene Kelly who does not sing very well but, of course, dances expertly. The heroine is Cyd Charisse. Van Johnson is the cynical hero.
The film was made on the sound stages of Hollywood but at many times gives the atmosphere of Scotland. This is not consistent. In fact, critics of the time saw the film as rather heavy handed treatment of the musical. This criticism is quite true. However there are many charming songs in the film and they make it well worthwhile. It was one of MGM’S earliest cinemascope musical. It was directed by Vincente Minnelli who had directed such excellent musicals as An American in Paris, Meet Me In St Louis, The Bandwagon. He was to receive an Oscar for Gigi. Minnelli has made many striking musicals as well as many outstanding soap operas. Brigadoon is best liked for the Lerner and Loewe score.
1. An interesting and enjoyable M.G.M. musical? The M.G.M. treatment of the fifties. Vincente Minnelli’s direction? The Lerner and Loewe mood? Impact in the fifties, now?
2. The technical qualities of the film: Scotland a la Hollywood? The use of the sound sets for Scottish locations? The contrast with New York? Cinemascope, colour? The use of the moors? The songs and their placement in the narrative? The choreography?
3. How attractive was the film as a fantasy? A wish-fulfilment dream? The place of fantasy and the imagination, of dreams? what is reality and what is unreal? Escapism and the longing to get out of the ordinary world? To make time stand still? What to true, what is authentic?
4. Tommy and Jeff presented as two 20th century types? Americans, American style in Scotland. their hunting, their characters revealed by their talk at the beginning? What happened to each of them in Brigadoon? Jeff and his wanting to get back, Tommy and his eyes being opened to life and wanting to return?
5. Brigadoon as a town? The atmosphere of Scotland, the 18th century? The details of the town’s way of life? Its secrets, hopes? Presenting an ideal? The idyllic making of time stand still? The songs expressing the character of Brigadoon?
6. The character of Mr Lundy, his role, in the town, his influence, his explanations? His making time stand still for Tommy?
7. The atmosphere of Jean's wedding, the preparations, Jean's family, the talk? Harry? The songs and the dances?
8. The contrast with Fiona and her romantic attitudes? The confrontation with Tommy, the romance? The song of The Heather on the Hill? The power of Fiona’s love to draw Tommy back? How were they both affected by this day in Brigadoon? Mr Lundy’s observation of this?
9. Jeff as the wisecracking American in 18th century Scotland? The effect or the town on him, temporary happiness, wanting to get back?
10. The build-up to the crisis with Harry, the chase, the accidental shooting and the change of mood?
11. The transition to New York and the differing atmosphere, the satiric presentation of the crowded bar, the, chatter, Tommy's fiancee? His breaking with her and his return?
12. The wish fulfilment as Brigadoon reappeared and drew him into its life?
13. What values do fantasies point out about our attitudes towards hopes, ideals?