US, 1981, 93 minutes, Colour.
Walter Matthau, Jill Clayburgh, Barnard Hughes, Jan Sterling.
Directed by Ronald Neame.
First Monday in October is the Inaugural Day for the Supreme Court of the United States. This is an entertaining comedy-drama - with echoes of the screwball comedies of the '30s and the Tracy- Hepburn battles of the sexes. Walter Matthau is, as usual, entertaining with his familiar and enjoyable mannerisms. He spars very well with Jill Clayburgh asserting her comedy style and with a touch of Women's Lib. The film is brief - in many ways looks like a glamorous pilot for a television series. Director is English Ronald Neame, who moved to Hollywood and made a range of enjoyable films including The Poseidon Adventure, The Odessa File.
1. Entertaining comedy drama? The battle of the sexes? In the light of the '80s and Women's Lib. issues? The background of the sparring in the '30s screwball comedies? The pattern of the Spencer Tracy- Katharine Hepburn films? The background of American law and justice? Careers? Conservatism and liberalism?
2. The Washington background? The contrast with California? The insight into politics, law and justice and careers and the United States? The American dream - and the first woman Justice? In the light of American politics of the '70s and '80s?
3. The two stars and their reputations, styles? How well did they work together? Verbal sparring? Comedy rapport? The amusing background of the music - especially the music of Handel and John Philip Souza?
4. The role of American justice ? The courts and their procedures? The difference between law and morality? The role of the law to supervise American morals? Preserve standards? The importance of precedence and examples? The dramatising of liberal and conservative views?
5. The interaction of the views by comedy and drama? The altering of attitudes by insight? By balance?
6. How well did the film work as comedy: situations, dialogue, sparring, one-liners?
7. Walter Matthau as a Chief Justice? Hang-dog style adapted to a career of responsibility? His authority, competence, views? His reactions to his work, clients? His reaction to his confreres? His views on women? His reaction to Ruth's appointment? The snide remarks? His listening to her and arguing, his antagonistic style? The importance of the pornography case? His reaction to the film, to Ruth's views? Her demands that he respect her point of view? The background of his home life, his competence and career, neglect of his wife, her leaving him? The case about multinationals and his working with Ruth? His being comfortable working with her? The acting out of the interrogation to discover the truth -and his views on the case, her wanting to resign and his not wanting it? The heart attack and his cantankerous hospitalisation? Discharging himself? Returning to Ruth?
8. Jill Clayburgh's attractive and strong style as a Chief Justice? Her career, background, California? The reaction of Dan Snow, of the other Justices? Her competence in her work? Her listening to the point of view of others? The clashes - over law, feminism? The discussion about the pornography case? Her reaction to the film, to freedoms, standards and exploitation? The corporation case and the role-play with Dan? Her speculating on the case? Her going to the archives and discovering the truth? The disillusionment with her husband? Her decision to resign? Her response to Dan's heart attack? Their future work together - and sparring?
9. The presentation of the fraternity of the Chief Justices? Their status and prestige, their work, principles? The ritual of the first Monday? Their sittings, the attendance, their presuppositions as an all-male group? Their adaptation to the lady Justice? Dan and his snide calling her "Justess"?
10. The sketch of Dan's wife - her ambitions, hopes, love for Dan, neglect, leaving?
11. The pornography insert and the discussion of standards? The questions of freedom and standards?
12. Themes of multinationals, financial exploitation? The effectiveness of the role-play?
13. The future of Dan and Ruth together - marriage, work?
14. A pleasant way of understanding the role of American justice?