US, 1977, 92 minutes, Colour.
William Katt, Susan Dey, John Heard.
Directed by Joan Darling.
First Love is very much Love Story revisited, but with some explicit scenes and language that might shock some older audiences but would probably seem unreally coy to more rugged younger audiences. Despite the American sentiment and the danger of cliche, this film appealed because of the strengths of performances by William Katt and Susan Dey (who would have made even Love Story more vigorous). He is an upright gentleman, she a nice girl who, by 20, has missed her prospects for her future. Their love and its failure have a vigorous charm and then disappointment and regret. It's probably a common enough emotional situation which some enjoy, some not.
1. The impact of the title, its tone, significance? Themes of romance, love marriage, sexuality? A 70s view of love, bitter-sweet? Disillusionment? Hope or despair?
2. The style of the film: colour, the American campus the use of the seasons, romantic techniques,, dissolves, editing.. romantic touches?
3. The film was the work of a woman director. Was this evident in the treatment? The quality of the screenplay - authentic cliche, frank?
4. The focus on Elgin? The all-American boy? Appearance, style, skill at sport - the opening sequence and the final sequence? Interest in study,, clever and intelligent? Strengths of character? His friendship with David,, with Shelley? His attitude towards love? His reserve., his contrast with David and his promiscuity? An ordinary type of good young man? A credible hero of the 70s or not?
5. The reality of love and sexuality in his life - especially observing David's behaviour and being confronted by the longing Shelley? The outing and the awareness of Caroline as she came into the restaurant? Love at first sight,, fascination, response to her personality? The genuine attraction? His wanting to share his life with her, his interests? Their love-making and the genuine loving experience on Elgin's part? The importance of the holiday together and her taking him to her home? The importance of the doll's house and what it meant to her, the truth about her father? How appropriately tender the development of this love story, sentiment, sweetness, cute?
6. The complexity of Caroline's character? Audience response to her first appearance in the restaurant? The liaison with John March and the discovery of the truth about her? Her vivacious personality, the bonds with Elgin, their walks, talks, sharing of interests? Love-making and tender love? Her inability to make final commitment? The importance of the memories about her father? John March as a father substitute?
7. The character of March, his presence in the restaurant, at the theatre with his wife? His love for Caroline, the nature of her love for him? The hold that they had on each other? The importance of the confrontation in his office by Elgin? His backing off? Caroline not willing to move away from the security of March?
8. David and his story as background? University student, casual approach, getting Felicia in and out of his apartment and the farcical elements? Shelley and her regrets, her love for David, advances to Elgin and helping him to sort things out? The importance of David proposing marriage to her?
9. The background of the University, interests, classes, courses taken, Elgin and her presence in the courses? An authentic university background for this kind of story?
10. Elgin as a romantic hero, an idealist? The effect of his experience of love, the bitterness and sorrow of his disillusionment? His decision to move away from Caroline and all that this implied?
11. How serious a treatment of romantic love, how authentic? How much insight?