UK, 1972, 108 minutes, Colour,
Barry Newman, Suzy Kendall, John Vernon, Dolph Sweet, Ben Kingsley.
Directed by Michael Tuchner.
Alistair Mac Lean fans know what to expect and they will probably be well satisfied here - complicated action-packed drama, uncluttered by romantic interludes and surprisingly free of blood and gore. Not that there is no violence. The first hour makes emotional demands on audience sympathy for brutal actions which seem repugnant. But I was as relieved as Suzy Kendall to find out the truth and sat back to enjoy the rest of the action. The first half-hour or so is an extended car-chase; the climax takes place on the sea-bed, 1,200 feet down. Hero Barry Newman displays unsmiling agility, engineering skill and driving expertise that make him the most energetic of Mac Lean heroes.
1. Did the title indicate the theme of this adventure? Where did fear come into the film? Was it the key?
2. How good an adventure film was this? How good an Alistair Mac Lean adventure film?
3. Comment on the nature of the hero. What was the audience attitude towards the hero - sympathy and interest? Is Barry Newman an engaging actor? or is he too solemn? Did the audience think that he was a killer until halfway through the film? If they did, how did this affect their attitude towards him? How big a relief, then, would the truth have been? Why?
4. Was the story possible, plausible? The nature of the rather large plan involving so many people? Given the premises of the story, was the whole plan plausible?
5. The nature of revenge as a motive for pursuing, even on the side of justice and right? How was this the-me presented and explored? Did it give insight into the nature of revenge?
6. The chase sequence - was it too long? How well filmed? What audience attitude did it elicit? The nature of the car as the instrument of the hero and the villains?
7. The dramatics of the film - with the heroine, with the
villains, the exploits of getting on and off the ship etc.? How plausible. interesting, exciting?
8. The villains: what was the nature of their villainy and evil? The nature of their greed and ruthlessness?
9. The importance of the climax of the film - was this plausible, at such depth, the hero involving himself in the suffering of the villains?
10. What were the values of the film? Where did it stand in regard to right and wrong?
11. The violence of the film - was it appropriate , overdone? The violent use of people - the hero taking the heroine with him? The hero and his getting in and out of the house. and the deaths of the other agents? The pursuit of the villains and the violence of their deaths under the sea?
12. Should adventure films be taken seriously in thematic questions or not?