US, 1947, 91 minutes. Black and white.
Van Johnson, June Allyson, Thomas Mitchell, Marilyn Maxwell, Cameron Mitchell, Claude Jarman Jr, Henry Hull, Paul Harvey.
Directed by Jack Conway.
High Barbaree is another pairing of Van Johnson and June Allyson – popular in such films as Two Girls and a Sailor, The Bride Goes Wild, Too Young to Kiss, Remains to be Seen. The film was directed by Jack Conway, who directed the first MGM talkie film and filmed many MGM films during the 1940s. His films include Honky Tonk, Dragon Seed, Julia Misbehaves, his last film.
The film recreates the atmosphere of World War Two as well as the nostalgia of people growing up in the 1920s. Van Johnson portrays a young man who wanted to be a doctor, became involved in the business of flying, became a pilot, volunteered for service in the war. As a young boy (Claude Jarman Jr portraying him at age fourteen) he was a companion of the girl from across the street. She grows up into June Allyson. However, Van Johnson’s focus is on the daughter of his boss, Paul Harvey. She is played by Marilyn Maxwell. Thomas Mitchell portrays the old uncle who has many a tall story, especially about an island in the Pacific called High Barbaree. This becomes a symbol for all ambitions and hopes.
The film had a sad ending originally but the preview audiences turned this down. A happy ending was re-shot.
The film is very much one of the 1940s, American perceptions of patriotism and the war as well the nostalgia for growing up in small-town America.
1. The title? The mythical island? In the Pacific? Captain Thad Vail and his stories about High Barbaree? Alec and Nancy always quoting it? It becoming a reality during the crash of the plane into the sea and the probably of drifting there?
2. The black and white photography, the popularity of the stars, the character actors? The musical score?
3. The sense of patriotism, the nostalgia for the America of the past? The commitment of people to serve in the war? The pilots, the sailors, the nurses? The sacrifices made?
4. The structure of the film: Alec and Nancy meeting, the farewell, his mission, flying, the dropping of the bombs, the crash into the sea? His talking to Joe Moore, the flashbacks and the building up of Alec’s character, his career, his love for Diana, his meeting Nancy again? The drifting towards the island – and the final rescue?
5. Alec, as a little boy, adventurous, always with Nancy? The climbing of the water tower and Nancy following, the rescue? With his father, the road to the west, the symbol of hope? Uncle Thad and the stories, his delight in them, High Barbaree? His uncle bringing him the canoe? The ride in the canoe? The problem with Thad, his drinking, going to the circus, auditioning with the bike, the huge descent?, his being displayed as the star? The reaction of Thad and his father? Nancy and her leaving, the breaking of the friendship?
6. Alec, growing up, studying medicine, leaving it, going into aviation, becoming a pilot, his work as an executive, his secretary? His concern about money? Meeting Diana, in love with her, the engagement? With Mr Case? The test, the interview with the military, the weather, his taking the plane up, his success?
7. Nancy, as a nurse, in Hawaii, coming to the mainland, wanting to meet Alec, her proposal, putting it on hold? Meeting Alec, discovering his work, with Diana? Her speaking her mind, urging her to be a doctor? Attacking him for his interest in money? Her leaving, Alec thinking that she had married and was going back to Hawaii?
8. Thad, the rogue, his adventures, his drinking? The visits to the family? Their being glad to see him, the meals? His gift of the canoe? The story of High Barbaree? His enlistment, the sinking of the ships?
9. The Cases, Mr Case and the aviation company, his hopes? Diana, glamour and wealth? Engaged? The discussions with Alec, meeting Nancy? Her realising the truth?
10. In the plane, the deaths of the crew, the crash into the sea, survival, the little water, drinking it? Joe, losing consciousness, losing hope? Talk of High Barbaree? Alec working on the map?
11. Nancy, persuading Thad, her premonition? Finding Alec? The happy reunion? (What would have been the effect of the original ending where both died?)
12. A piece of Americana, memories of World War Two, patriotism, the post-World War Two attitude, the nostalgia for growing up in small American towns in the first part of the 20th century?