US, 1968, 93 minutes, Colour.
Burt Reynolds, Barbara Loden, Terence Stamp, Joanna Pettet, Ricardo Montalban.
Directed by Jud Taylor.
Fade In is a slight romantic comedy that was never released in the theatres. It is more akin to a later telemovie of the '70s. It was made back-to-back with the western 'Blue', directed by Silvio Narizzano, who was producer of Fade In. The film features the main stars of Blue, Terence Stamp, Joanna Pettet, Ricardo Montalban. It also shows some sequences being filmed and edited. It is the story of the making of a film on a small town on location, local men who act as drivers for the crew and who fall in love. The heroine is an associate editor from Los Angeles. The story is very slight. However, it was an early film of Burt Reynolds, when he was very popular in television series. It already shows his blend of masculine toughness as well as charm and tenderness. Barbara Loden is good as the heroine. Slight, inconsequential but an interesting example of Hollywood looking at itself and an early vehicle for Reynolds.
1. The perennial appeal of love stories? In comparison with others of the '60s? The telemovie style of the '70s?
2. The use of the background of making the film Blue? Terence Stamp and his driving to make the film, Joanna Pettet and her arrival by plane, Ricardo Montalban in the hotel and around the set with the various people? The filming of the sequence, the editing sequence? Advertising? An example of Hollywood looking at itself ? critically, for promotion?
3. Colour photography, locations and use of spectacular scenery? The romantic musical score? The special effects, especially during the credits With the rear vision mirror and the synopsis of the film about to unfold? The ending with Jean not in the mirror?
4. The credibility of the plot, the details of film-making, the arrival of the crew, parties, work, location photography, stunt work, the need for drivers? City people out in the countryside of the United States? City people meeting the locals? The characters within this situation, the love story ? and its short-lived nature? Love? Hurt? A contrived plot ? sufficient realism for audience identification?
5. Burt Reynolds and his style, at this initial stage of his career? Masculine toughness, the would-be Casanova, the sensitivity and charm? His work on the ranch and the way this was illustrated? The line-up for interviews for working on the film? The friends? The masculine comradeship and the emphasis on masculine domination of the ladies? The encounter with Jean, helping her home, the growing relationship, the romantic interludes together? The love sequences and the interruption by phone calls from Los Angeles? The lyricism versus the realism of Jean's returning to Los Angeles? Rob's pleading with her? His being left alone?
6. Jean as heroine, a girl from the city, her career, the arrival and being driven by Rob, the party and her drinking, his helping her? Her falling in love, the romantic sequences, showing him her work? The importance of the phone call from Los Angeles and his departure? Her decision to leave? The effect of the interlude on her?
7. Rob's friends and their way of life around the town, their work on the film, Rob and his fight with the drunk on the footpath? The people in the town and the effect of the film-making? The film-makers, filming, editing, screening the rushes, the editor etc.?
8. An easy look at an American industry? A glimpse of characters in day-to-day situations, emotional, professional?