US, 2002, 106 minutes, Colour.
William H. Macy, Laura Dern, Meatloaf Aday, David Paymer.
Directed by Neil Slavin.
Focus is based on a novel by Arthur Miller, celebrated playwright of The Crucible and Death of a Salesman. It focuses on anti-Semitism and racist attacks at the end of World War Two in the suburbs of American cities.
The focus is on William H. Macy as a personnel clerk who, getting a new pair of glasses, is mistaken for a Jew. He tries for another position and is interviewed by Gertrude (Laura Dern) who works for a Jewish firm. They marry. The next-door neighbour (played by Meatloaf Aday) is a racist and attacks a woman in the street, and has as his target the owner of the corner store (David Paymer).
The film shows the reality of the racist meetings, the attacks, all in the name of Americanism. It shows the passive victims, wanting to stay out of the limelight, yet the victims. It also shows those who try to confront the racist and the anti-Semitic attitudes of the time.
Miller himself suffered in the 1950s from this kind of prejudice and dramatised it very persuasively in The Crucible.
Focus is directed by Neal Slavin, a celebrated commercial photographer and artist.
1. The work of Arthur Miller, his dramas, novels, his perspectives on the US in the 20th century? The '40s?
2. The history of anti-Semitism in the United States, prejudices, meetings of associations of anti-Semitic groups, the language used to describe the Jews, the physical and psychological violence? In the perspective of the 21st century?
3. The re-creation of New York in the '40s, the suburbs, the suburban homes, the simple streets? The meetings in the church? Business offices? The contrast with New Jersey? The colour, the light, the airiness of the cities? The décor, design, the clothing?
4. Lawrence and the dream of the carousel, its collapse? His recurring dreams? His being awoken, the attack in the street, the violence, the rape? The police and their investigations? His not giving any information, denying it? The contrast with Mr Finkelstein, ringing the police? Doing the right thing?
5. Lawrence and his age, experience in the war, his experience in business? At home with his mother? At work, conducting interviews? Fred and his friendship with his neighbours, Fred as a pal? Fred's wife? The regular life that he led, his umbrella? People's reaction to his eyes, his getting glasses? People assuming that he looked Jewish? Reactions and presumptions, the people at work, his boss? Gertrude and her reaction? The growing pressures on him?
6. Finkelstein and his attitudes, the Union? The antagonism towards Finkelstein, watching him, getting the boy to sell the papers on the opposite side of the street, tipping the garbage out? Lawrence and his decision not to go to the meetings, people's reaction to him at work, wanting to change his office, getting him out of sight, the reaction of the boss? His indignation and resignation?
7. His searching for a job, the newspapers, the applications? His not being accepted? His young friend and the advice - his already having gone to the interview and been given double-talk answers? His not being heard? Going to New Jersey, the irony of Gertrude being there, his reaction? Her reaction to him and telling him the truth?
8. Gertrude and her going for the interview to Lawrence, the way that she was dressed, walking? The form, the background, the presumption about her being Jewish? The response, his administering the policy of the firm? The friendship with Gertrude, going out together? Her style, the '40s, dress, sharing? The proposal and the wedding?
9. Presuppositions about Gertrude? The importance of going to the resort, finding it was restricted? His reaction, her reaction?
10. The garbage on his lawn twice, the meetings taking place next door, the types arriving, Fred and his attitudes?
11. Gertrude and her background, her past, her living in Los Angeles, relationships?
12. The priest and his fiery preaching, hatred, the audience response and intensity, Lawrence not applauding, suspicions of the congregation, his being taken outside and bashed?
13. Mr Finkelstein, his living at the corner, at peace in the street, selling things, the customers, Fred and his antagonism, Lawrence and his support? The rabbi's visits? The growing prejudice? The irony of Mr Finkelstein doing his duty about the rapist? Talking to Lawrence, Lawrence insulting him? His helping Lawrence when he was hurt? The news of the Cuban woman dying and its effect on Lawrence and his memories of the night?
14. Lawrence and his reactions, Fred and the clash, going to the police about the murder, their being kept waiting - and the film ending with the prejudice issues unresolved, waiting like Lawrence and Gertrude?
15. The delineation of characters, the intensity of Arthur Miller's portraits and his psychology of interactions? Audiences identifying with Lawrence, with Gertrude? Anti- Semitic world pressures seen in this New York microcosm?