US, 1980, 96 minutes, Colour.
Ralph Waite, Donald Moffat, Penelope Williams, James Gammon.
Directed by Ralph Waite.
On the Nickel is a small film written, produced and directed by Ralph Waite. He also takes a central role. It is a story of Los Angeles, of skid row, of the homeless men and women, the alcoholics. They are treated with sympathy - even with a romantic touch. However, it also highlights the lives of the alcoholics, the possession by drink, their opting out of the world, their death wish.
This is the story of an alcoholic, the fine Donald Moffat, who goes in search of his friend, C.G., played by the director, Ralph Waite. He has to heal his ghosts and see if he has a life. Once again, experiencing life in the hostels, in the parks, in the courts, he his able to be sure of his change in life.
There is an interesting use of Waltzing Matilda throughout the film - for C.G. and Rose to dance by, for Sam to sing to entertain the alcoholics, as the final climactic song as the group process through the Los Angeles streets.
An offbeat look at homeless people and alcoholism.
1. Interesting story, character study of homelessness, alcoholism?
2. The Los Angeles locations, the streets and the parks, police precincts, the courts? The musical score? Songs, especially Waltzing Matilda?
3. The songs during the credits? The title of the film and its theme? The homeless people? former alcoholics, his memories of his former way of life, in his apartment, lonely, the friend trying to help him, Paul coming to enlist his help? In the search, for CG, the car erratically in downtown Los Angeles, on skid row, the encounters with alcoholic people? Friendly, cantankerous? Going to the Salvation Army Hostel? Supporting Paul? Listening to the sermon, singing the hymns? Getting advice? Meeting with Rose, discussions? Finding CG, in the park, the night with the men, his inability to sing?
4. The roundup, observing in the courts, CG, and his demonstration, in the hospital, CG's death? The guardsman and his talking, about the cremation of alcoholics? Going to the crematorium, the plan to get CG's ashes, the farcical
adventures? Getting the ashes, putting them around the tree for some immortality? His singing Waltzing Matilda - and leading the crowd through the streets? Hope for a new life? Portrait of a reformed alcoholic?
5. CG, the opening credits and his lying in the dark? The indications of his past, the wedding, dancing with Rose, the reasons given for the alcoholism, the streets, ill health, the need for wine? Relationship with Rose, tender, dancing with her? Meeting Sam, friendship and support? With the group in the park, drinking, singing? The roundup? In court, his inability to answer, the chopping down of the tree and his standing ‘on the benches like the tree, his collapse and death? Sam's commitment about his being insignificant, the few friends, the meaning and meaninglessness?
6. Paul, crippled, wanting to get back, unable to help himself, pressure on Sam, walking, talking, driving? At the shelter? Drinking in the park, in the court? Helping to get the ashes?
7. The gallery of alcoholic men, their characters, backgrounds? The effects of the drink on them? In the park and their failing? Singing? in the courts and their humiliation, the attitude of the bailiff, of the Judge, their pleas? Prison
sentences, inability to get work? In the shelter, listening to the Minister? Participating in the meeting, of the ashes, The final procession?
8. The Salvation Army and their support? The minister and his charismatic reactions, speaking and tongues? The pianist and her testimony? The effect on alcoholic men and women?
9. The authorities, harsh attitudes, the Judge and his sentences? The comic mood of the raid on the men? The ashes and the hope for the tree? comment about alcoholics, the community, unwillingness to face the world? his telling them they were opting for death? The possibility for change, reform?