Australia, 1980, 50 minutes, Colour.
Steve Bergin, Jim Filipouski, Tamsin Hardman.
Directed by Ken Cameron.
On The Loose is a story of '80s teenagers. It focuses on three youngsters at the end of their education and the beginning of their life in the work force. The film casts a critical eye on the education system and its deficiencies, especially in preparing adolescents for emerging in the adult world of employment. The film is also critical of advantages taken by employers of their young new employees.
The film is really a three-in-one, three slices of life. The focus is on Eddie, about to leave school after not gaining very much from it at all; on Nicole who gets a job as a dentist's assistant but who is sexually harassed; about Nick who tells a lie in order to get a job and then has to face the reality of the consequences.
The film had government backing and was made by Health Media Productions. It was written by a group of authors who have been for some time involved with themes of education and unemployment, especially Ken Cameron (Temperament Unsuited, Fast Talking). Direction is by Jane Oehr who collaborated with the screenplay and has also made documentaries about the education system, Corporal Punishment.
The film has a very good cast, especially the three central youngsters: Steve Bergen as Eddie, Jim Filipouski as Nick and Tamsin Hardman as Nicole. The film resembles Cameron's Fast Talking and Temperament Unsuited as well as the collaborative short feature made by this group a year previously, Heads and Tails. The film is most effective if seen by the group for whom it was written and for parents.
1. The impact of the film? For what audience? Entertainment, instruction? The producers and writers and their interest in education and employment themes? Government Health Care backing?
2. The writers and the director and their observations on society, teenagers, the deficiencies of the education systems, difficulties of employment and unemployment? The stories as part of their body of work?
3. The structure of the film: three in one? The impact of each story, the method by which they were interwoven? The characters in each of the stories? The unity of the film despite the different writers?
4. The overall theme: the end of school, the beginning of work? The significance of the three titles of the stories: Exit Eddie Leach, Ring of Confidence, Beginner's Luck? The overall title of On The Loose?
5. The use of Sydney locations: the skyline of the city, the harbour, inner suburbs, the streets, school, homes, workplaces? Locations easily recognisable by the audience? Helping audiences identify with situations and characters?
6. The stances taken: the criticism of the education system, of the goals of contemporary education, of preparation for employment? The picture of home and parents? Teachers and their interest or lack of interest in the children? Their use of authority? Sympathetic and unsympathetic employers? Where did sympathies lie? Were characters presented fairly. the danger of caricature in criticism?
7. The picture of school - the beginning of term, coming back after the holidays, expectations, the boys and girls and their motives in coming back to school, the teacher and the treatment of the pupils - ridicule, maths tests, craft work, teachers reporting the children to the Principal? The Principal and the comment on the crowded schools, the need for places to be vacant for more appreciative students, processes of suspension and expulsion, questions of truancy and motives? A fair picture of school? The teenagers wanting to leave school? School occupying their time without preparing them well for the workforce? Preparation for coping with problems?
8. The sketch of homes and families, parents and step-parents, meals, the selfishness of parents, criticism of the children and putting them down? Eddie and his father and stepmother? Nicole's mother? Nick's grandmother? Support and lack of support, running away?
9. The work situation of the '80s - the dole and prospects of jobs? Nicole and her visit to the agency, the interview, going to the dentist, at work, doing her job well, the beginnings of the harassment, her reaction, abusing the dentist, leaving? Returning to the agency but unable to tell the full story? Nick and his interview, his stretching the truth, the support of the employer, his being employed, the role of mateship in the employees helping one another, the jobs done, accidents, sticking together, his not telling the full truth and having to accept the consequences, his prospects?
10. The portrait of Eddie: his appearance, clothes, coat, crutches? His expressions and frowns, sceptical sneers? His character, having to go back to school, not wanting to, relationship with his father and his expectations, clash with his stepmother, scenes at home, meals etc.? His wandering around? His being mocked by the kids and the teacher? The maths teacher ridiculing him about the solution to the maths problem? The support of the woodwork teacher? Throwing the boomerangs and the accident? Going to the Headmaster about the places in the school? His being suspended? His friends, Nick and the truancy, playing cards, taking his mother's money? The blow-up at home? His father's severity? Leaving home, setting out, sitting outside with the buyer? The transition to Part 3 and seeing him at Nick's place, his selfishness in not helping and washing up, his fear of his father and hiding from him, the grandmother not wanting him there, his being kicked out, his prospects?
11. Nick as he appeared in the first story, having left school, looked up to by the other kids, looking for a job - but not too seriously? Friendship with Eddie, the visit to the home, taking Eddie's mother's money, playing cards and the bluff, winning, his moving in and out of Eddie's life? The main focus in the third story and the audience getting to know him better? Seeing him at home with his grandmother and her considering him a good boy? The preparation for the job interview? His sincerity, yet not telling the truth, meeting the requests of the boss? The job, meeting with Cane Toad? The mateship? His first job, the woman in the wealthy house, the talking with her, the job, the casual approach, his having to drive the van and crashing into the car? His taking time off? His being made to stack the goods by the older members? His pay packet, the date with Stella, the night out, his drinking, being sick, being the big man and going in the raffles, winning the meat, the dogs eating it? The irony of his being in the shadow of the war monument? At home with his grandmother, her love for him, his treatment of her? Friendship with Eddie, disappointed in him, having to kick him out? His not wanting to go to the job because of his fears, Cane Toad coming and covering for him? His being helped - to a future?
12. Nicole and her leaving school, her mother and her self-preoccupation, hair-dos etc.? Lack of support from her mother? Preparation for the interview, her success at the interview, going to the dentist - and the dentist's reaction to Linda? Her being employed, her doing good work, the initial advances by the dentist, her reaction? Her coping with it? Her reacting against him? The new girl taking her place, the repetition of the interview and the hiring, the new girl being freer with the dentist's advances? Nicole having to go out and buy the lunch? Her coming back and telling the truth in front of all the patients? Her search for her own flat, her being welcomed, her decision to take it, independence, setting it up nicely for herself, Stella's visit and the outings, the friendship with Arnhem -as’ a friend, musician, his playing the records, aboriginal? Going back for her mother's advice? Her stepfather and his criticisms of her? Her going back to the agency and not being able to tell people what had happened? What chance did she have?
13. The sketch of the dentist? His work, professional skill? His advances towards his assistants? His treatment of Nicole? Linda? And dramatising of the issues of sexual harassment? His being humiliated in front of his patients?
14. The focus on the world of employment, jobs, clients? Nick and his work with Cane Toad? The solidarity amongst the workers? The portrait of Nick's boss and his sympathy?
15. The gallery of characters in support?
16. Social issues, authentic, detailed? Teenagers in the '80s and their prospects?