US, 1988, 92 minutes, Colour.
Molly Ringwald, Andrew Mc Carthy, Patti D'Arbanville, Ben Stiller.
Directed by David Anspaugh.
Fresh Horses is a slight story of love and change. Molly Ringwald and Andrew Mc Carthy became popular stars during the '80s (together in Pretty in Pink), but they belong to the school of minimum expression - which makes them difficult to identify with and, sometimes, to like. So, when Matt (McCarthy) breaks his engagement to love and protect Jewel (Molly Ringwald) and the consequences are difficult, it is of passing interest and not so moving. Direction is by David Anspaugh (Hoosiers). This is a young adults' tale.
1.A film for teenage and young adult audiences? Relationships? Futures?
2.Kentucky backgrounds, the town and homes? The world of study? An ordinary world for audiences to identify with? Score?
3.The title and the symbol for change.
4.Matt: on the boat, his friendship with Tipton, going to the engagement, his relationship with Alice? His study, research? At home? Tipton inviting him to go Jean's house, the immediate attraction to Jewel, talking to her, returning to see her, sharing, walking along the railway tracks? The dramatic break of the engagement and her reaction? His relationship with his friends, with Tipton, Tipton trying to get him interested in other girls? The information about Jewel and her age and husband, asking her to explain? Being with her at Jean's? Going to the lawyer, the discussions about annulment? Jewel borrowing his car to go to see Greene? Returning with her mother? Her story about the rape and the men? Challenging Greene? At his home? His reactions, Jewel's arrival, breaking off with him? Seeing him later, his studies, meeting Jewel and Laurel at the fair? Seeing her happy? Having helped her to change?
5.Jewel at Jean's house, her reaction to Matt, her ignorance, lack of schooling, her hatred for her stepfather, relationship with her mother, her sharing so much with Matt, the railway line, the railway house, their relationship? The annulment? Finding Matt with the girls, her angry reaction, taking his car? The story of Greene and the rape? Her being at Greene's house, breaking with Matt? Friendship with Laurel, meeting Matt at the fair, explaining about her studies? Changed for the better by him?
6.Tipton and his friendship, the contrast with Matt and his chairing the Bingo sessions? The parties, study, his relationship with Maureen, pregnancy? Telling the truth about Jewel? The annulment? Setting that up with the girls?
7.Sproul: studies, the meetings, supplying the information about Jewel, the annulment, his presence at the rape, his version of the story compared with Jewel's?
8.Greene, his background, his father, marrying Jewel, the clashes, exploiting her, the clash with Matt?
9.Jean and her open house, the types who went there, enjoying themselves, Matt persuaded to go, friendship with Jean, his telling her that she should have warned him about Jewel? The relationship with Laurel? The brutality and the fights and her ousting the fighters? Leaving the area?
10.The glimpse of Matt and his family, his ordinary life, the bingo, change, the break with Alice, her hopes about a house and marriage, hurting her?
11.Themes of relationship and change? The style of the stars)