Ireland, 1995, 100 minutes, Colour.
Gabriel Byrne, Corbin Walker, Alan Pentony, Anne Parillaud, Matt Dillon.
Directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg?.
We have had quite a few films from Ireland recently. This is the story of a French woman evacuated after the war to Ireland whose son is a dwarf but who becomes a successful writer - a novel of his mother's hard life. This means that two interlocked stories are being told: the novelist's in the present and his mother's in the past.
There is a mixture of grief and joy in the lives, of betrayal and of overcoming difficulties. Anne Parillaud (who usually looks mournful in her films) is effective as the sad mother. Gabriel Byrne is an immigration officer and Matt Dillon a Texan who takes her and her boy to the US. However, the melancholy prevails until the author is able to overcome his bitterness and self-pity and start a new life. There is a toughness in the Irish sentiment.
1.The appeal of the Irish film? Designed for overseas audiences, especially Americans? The flavour of Ireland?
2.The re-creation of the period, especially World War II? The French locations, American locations, Irish locations? The Elmer Bernstein score and its moods?
3.The film adapted from a novel, the title "The Dork of Cork"? The effect of the film's name? The screenplay and its use of two stories, the story of the publication of the novel, Frankie's voice-over and his tone, memories, self-esteem and self examination?
4.The portrait of Frankie: arriving with his manuscript, Andy's reaction, Frankie's brusque style? The quality of his writings, his hopes? Living alone, his flat? His not being accepted? His low self-esteem? His memories? His encounter with the prostitute and her rejection? The publication of the book, Andy's reaction, the book signing, the reviews, the television interview and his acerbic reaction? The fact that he was a dwarf? For his own consciousness, for reactions with others? The portrait of Frankie?
5.Frankie as young, Bernadette's pregnancy, her difficulties in Ireland, the difficulties of the birth, Jack and his wife and their realisation that Frankie was a dwarf? Bernadette's realisation, her thinking about the possible father, wanting to give him an American name, her deciding on Frankie? Jack and his care for Frankie, his taking him into his family, his wife's care? Frankie and his schooldays, the gift of the dog - and his grief at Emma's killing the dog? His love for the stars, Jack teaching him, going onto the roof? Buying him the book? His knowledge of the stars, of their legends? His love for Jack - and Jack's farewell? The meeting with Terry, liking him, sharing experiences? Going out on the bike, the beer, throwing the stones on the sea? His willingness to go to the United States? His experiences there? The return home, Emma coming to the house, her illness? His relationship with his mother, love for her, understanding of her, writing about her? The pathos of her death? His being alone - and Emma's question about whether he had forgiven her?
6.The re-creation of France, 1944? The Normandy coast? Frankie's voice-over explaining his mother's background, the young people on the beach, finding the mine, the explosion? The townspeople thinking that Bernadette was a miracle girl, bringing their sick children? Her second sight? Her telling that the Allies would come, her father and his piercing the tyres, his arrest, the hostages and the possible execution? Bernadette making a mistake by one day? Her father saved - and then shot by the German officer? Her decision to leave, to go to the US, on the boat with the Americans, her prostitution, her pregnancy? Getting off the boat in Ireland? Nowhere to go?
7.Bernadette and Jack, their initial encounter, his questions, her escaping through the toilet window? Settling down, work, pregnancy? The chance meeting with Jack? His attraction to her, the sexual encounter - and Emma following and looking? The birth of the baby, Jack's wife helping with the birth? Bernadette accepted into the family? With the younger children? The hostility of Emma? Her growing moroseness? Seeing her at work, the second sight about the death of the dog? Jack's farewell and her sadness? The meeting with Terry, the story of the boat, his coming to Ireland to find her? The decision to go to the US? Her wanting to go home immediately, her working in the bar, cutting her hair? Refusal of prostitution? Her wanting the money for the ticket? The return home, her relationship with Frankie? Her love for him - seeing her dead, drowned?
8.Jack and his work, helping Bernadette, his relationship with his family, the affair with Bernadette, sitting on the stair and discussing it with Emma? Confessing it to his wife, his being forgiven? His wife taking Bernadette and Frankie into the house? The passing of the years, the support for Bernadette and Frankie? Teaching Frankie about the stars, the gift of the book? The pathos of his leaving? Frankie's later comment to Emma about her father's death?
9.Jack's wife, as a midwife, forgiving, helping Frankie, her relationship with her daughters, sharing her daughter's success at the gallery?
10.Emma, morose, the parallel with Bernadette? Following her father, watching through the window? Her neuroses and the blood on her hands? Jack trying to help her? Her distancing herself, watching out the window at Frankie and Bernadette? Sitting on the park seat, sullen? Her being in and out of hospital? Coming to stay with Bernadette, the killing of the dog?
11.Emma coming to get the book signed, her not saying who she was? Frankie's realisation and following her? Their talk, communication? The gift of the painting? Her asking forgiveness? The ease in companionship, the proposal? The invitation to the gallery and the launch? The strange couple - and their being able to talk about it? The marriage ceremony - and the dancing on the roof?
12.The comic support from Andy, his wariness about Frankie, accepting the book, his rough language and attitudes?
13.Terry, the background of the boat, his marriage, his daughters, his wife leaving? Coming to Ireland, the delight in finding Bernadette, taking Frankie for the ride, the beer, the stones, talking? Going back to Texas? His disappointment - but his acceptance of Bernadette going back? The meeting with his wife and the clash with her?
14.The Texas bar, the woman in charge and her accepting Bernadette? The men? Image of life in Texas? Terry's wife and her blase attitude?
15.A story of humanity? Sentiment? The hard edge of suffering and hope?