US, 1989, 90 minutes, Colour.
Lou Diamond Philips.
Directed by Robert Resnikoff.
The First Power is a police thriller about diabolical possession. Hollywood certainly hasn't let go of Satan and possession as a box-office drawcard. This film is reminiscent of Shocker and The Hidden. Lou Diamond Phillips is a crack LA detective who catches a ritualistic serial killer, only to find that he keeps having to combat him as he survives execution and has the `first power', resurrection. With the help of a psychic and some special effects battles, he tracks down his man. No better, no worse than similar films, perhaps a touch better. It is the first film of writer-director Rob Resnikoff.
1.The appeal of this type of satanic possession film, police thriller, Los Angeles setting?
2.The use of Los Angeles, the city and its atmosphere? The police background, ordinary lives, the world of the killer? The special effects, the stunt work? Musical score?
3.The title and its reference to resurrection? The Catholic background of the screenplay? Inverting resurrection for diabolical possession on the pattern of Jesus Christ? The opening with the nun and her appeals to the bishop and the clergy? Their reaction?
4.The bizarre killings, the horror, the victims? The rituals? The policewoman and the attack on her life, her later death?
5.Russell Logan as an efficient policeman, acclaim, the stakeout, the contacts between the groups, the policewoman? Tess's warning on the phone? Finding the killer, the chase, the capture? The trial? The death penalty and Russell celebrating? Being seen on television? Tess's warning?
6.Patrick Channing and the investigation about his background, his troubled family life, his grandfather and abuse? A loner, in the water department, the murders and the rituals? The satanic aspect? Confrontation of Russell and the trial? The execution scene? His dying, living? His appearance, taking people over? The murders? Taunting the police? The stunt work - leaps from buildings? Power and lack of power, taxi-driver, policeman? The confrontation with Sister Marguerite? The chase in the water channels? The confrontations and fight? The importance of religious objects, the silver crucifix dagger? His death?
7.Russell, his age, efficiency, tough? Clues, the investigation? Information from Tess, testing her out, interrogations? Talking with her? She being genuine? Her help? The experiences together? Sister Marguerite, the dagger? The victims, the danger, the final fight, killing Channing?
8.Tess, her warnings, her powers, her wealth apartment, her relating to Logan, help, the investigation about Channing's past, using her powers, doom? The relationship with Russell? The victims, the danger, going to Sister Marguerite?
9.The police and their scepticism, orders, the policeman tailing Tess and his death and being hanged? The officer and his drinking, command of the case and his death?
10.Sister Marguerite, the warning, alone in her cell, Russell and Tess visiting, her being advised to go and help, the implements, the silver dagger? The pursuit, Channing entering into her? Her plea to Logan?
11.The credibility of the plot? The diabolical? Coping with serial killers and their horror? An effective police story?