US, 1993, 98 minutes, Colour.
D.B.Sweeney, Robert Patrick, Craig Sheffer, James Garner, Peter Berg, Henry Thomas.
Directed by Robert Liebmann.
Fire in the Sky is based on a book by Travis Walton, allegedly a true story of his experience of being taken for five days by aliens into a spaceship, the antagonistic experiments performed on him and his subsequent escape. The film is: based on a true story. The treatment in the film would tend to reinforce sceptics rather than give credibility to experience with aliens.
The film receives quite lavish treatment in its presentation of Arizona in the mid-'70s. However, the special effects for the alien and spacecraft experience seem to come straight out of the movie tradition. D.B. Sweeney (The Cutting Edge, Eight Men Out) is Walton. Robert Patrick (the evil Cyborg in Terminator 2) is the head of the gang working in the forest who witness Walton's disappearance. Craig Sheffer gives a different performance as a disgruntled hippy. Henry Thomas is also one of the group. James Garner gives a characteristically easygoing performance as the investigator.
A sensational story - but, many of the questions are left open, especially concerning how Travis Walton escaped from the spacecraft. Nevertheless, it should be popular with devotees of UFO stories.
1.Dramatic impact, audience presuppositions about UFOs and aliens? The book by Travis Walton - his true story?
2.The Arizona settings, the town, forest and the park, the spacecraft? The special effects and design for the experience on the spacecraft? Musical score?
3.The movie tradition of science fiction and science fantasy, images for aliens, spacecraft, experimentation? Walton's memories or his imagination?
4.The title, the explanation - and a true story or a hoax?
5.The initial drama, the truck out of control, the men going into the bar, their tension, talk, the police interrogation, the phone call, the puzzle about Walton's disappearance?
6.James Garner as Frank Watters, his drive, arrival and reputation, his style, manner of talking, interrogation of the group, the respect of the police? His listening and reactions? Checking into the motel, hanging around the town, conversations, encounters, questions? His skill in solving cases? The surprise of Walton's return? The interrogations with Walton? The lie detector experiments? His theories - and wanting to solve the case eventually?
7.Travis Walton as a genial young man, his relationship with Dana, his friendship with Mike, the work, the bonds in the group, his clashes with Dallis? The fire in the sky, his curiosity, caught up in the atmosphere, his disappearance? The phone call, his reappearance, the group finding him at the service station? In hospital, the blocking of memories, his fears? The party and his fear? His relationship with the group, with Mike? The memories coming back - and the aliens experience?
8.The nightmare, the spaceship, his being taken into the spaceship, the experiments, his being covered, the pods in the catacombs? His escape, the pursuit? Treatment by the aliens, hostile? The lack of explanation of how he escaped and got back to Earth?
9.Walton and the aftermath of the experience, marrying Dana, the family, writing his book, the movie, his work in the 1990s?
10.Mike Rogers and his leading the group, tension with his wife, love for his family? Money difficulties? At work, his relationship with Dana, discussions with Travis? Keeping the peace with the group? The experience, Walton's disappearance, driving the truck away with the pressure of the group's fear, his return? The phone call to the police, the interrogations and his story, the clash with Dallis? Discussions with Katie? The antagonism, the lie detector? Travis's return, the puzzle, trying to cope? His separation from his wife?
11.Alan Dallis and his mean streak, place in the group, antagonism towards Walton, fights, abuse? His fear during the fire in the sky experience? His offhand attitudes, mockery, clashes with Frank Watters? The erratic lie detector experience?
12.Greg Hayes and his usefulness, his fear? David Whitlock and his place in the group? His friendship with Mike, interrogations, the lie detector?
13.The police, the sheriff and his investigations, questions? Working with Watters?
14.The doctor, at the hospital, trying to help Walton get back his memory?
15.The plausibility of the experiences, the credibility given them in the film? The tradition of science fiction movies and close encounters?