France, 1974, 90 minutes, Colour.
Alain Delon, Sydne Rome, Jeanne Moreau, Claude Rich, Jean- Marc Bory.
Directed by Pierre Granier- Deferre.
Elite is a slight political from France in the mid-1970s, a star vehicle for Alain Delon as a politician, married, but romantically involved with a model played by Sydne Rome. His patron is a rich widow, played by Jeanne Moreau.
The film shows a coalition government in France, Delon playing the leader of a small political party, offered a cabinet position. The film then focuses on the political aspects as well as the romantic aspects of his life and career.
1. The meaning and tone of this title? Did it indicate well the themes of the film? Also the values and the judgment on values?
2. How competent a French film was this? Was it clearly French? Comment on the French style: the colour, music, locations, atmosphere, sense of realism, particular humane incidents to build up atmosphere, the stars?
3. How important was the structure of the film: the twenty four hour structure moving to a political climax? The flashbacks highlighting an emotional climax? The fact that the flashbacks were Julien's? Although there was one by Greezy (explaining Julien's background). What was the dramatic impact of the thrust towards the climaxes? The emotional and judgemental side of the flashbacks?
4. Was the film an enjoyable one, an interesting one? Did the people and the issues seem real? The realities of love and relationships, the humanity of the people involved, politics?
5. Comment on the theme of love and relationships and sexualities the relationship between Julien and Creezy, the posters and advertising imposing Creezy's memory on Julien, Julien as alone and in need of support? The nature of his memories of Creezy, as particularly sensual? The contrast with his wife and her breakdown with Creezy and her breakdown? Was Julien a man who drove people to breakdown (even his mother, Renee, and his political partner)? What power did love and relationships exert over love and ambitions? What priorities ranged themselves in Julien’s life? The harsh comment of Creezy's death as a judgement on Julien's love and capacity for relating?
6. Comment on the theme of power in the films, Julien and his political power and ambition, born to rule? The place of the opposition in government? Renee and her power over Julien? Julien trying to go away from Renee's power? Julien's wife's power over him? The power that Dominique had in his advice and support?
7. How well portrayed was Julien as a character? In his flashbacks and in the political crisis? In his actions, his ambitions, his ruthlessness, his attitude towards his opponents, his friends? His not going in to see his wife? His son and their brief talk? The potential of Julien's character especially as given in the propaganda film? The ruthlessness and evil that was emerging in his character?
8. How important was Dominique as a character? His support of Julien, his criticising his friend, his judgments? What insight into the adviser did this particular character give?
9. How important wore the characters who opposed Julien? Especially his friend and partner? Ideals versus realism? The nature of politics and emotional compromises?
10. The contribution to the film of the character of Renee? The background of her role in politics? Julien's dependence on her? Jeanne Moreau's nuances in performance? not only in her relationship to Julien, but as an ageing woman, her regard of herself, her final disappointment in Julien?
11. What insight was given into Creezy as a modern woman? The typical model, the meeting on the plane, the day in Rome and her cancelling his appointments, the sensuality of their relationship, the growing dependence, her presence in his home, his absence, her loneliness e.g. the meal, the phone calls, the climax of her death?
12. Comment on the use of car phones, communication and the repercussions on relationships?
13. How important were incidental situations for the building up of atmosphere? Julien's son, the riots, traffic, Creezy's dinner, the interview with the son and the sister-in-law collecting the wife's clothes, the various political scenes and meetings, the secretary, phone calls?
14. What values were best explored in this film? How well? Did the film give some insight into modern human and political situations?