US, 1996, 85 minutes, Colour.
Olympia Dukakis, John Stamos, Della Reese.
Directed by Paul Wendkos.
A Match Made in Heaven is a pleasant telemovie, full of sentiment, full of romance, also dealing with a woman dying of cancer. It is, one might say, ideal for a matinee movie on afternoon television. It is romantic but has more than its fair share of padding.
Olympia Dukakis is her caustic self (a la Steel Magnolias) as a mother dying of cancer who wants her older son, a very successful lawyer (John Stamos) to be married. She picks out a nurse and finds every opportunity to put them together. She intrudes in his life and his younger brother indicates that he is in some ways married to his mother, always looking out for her. Della Reese portrays the nanny and assistant to Olympia Dukakis.
There are ups and downs, especially in the romance, but all ends happily with a vision of Olympia Dukakis playing the piano with the orchestra at her son's wedding.
1. The popularity of this kind of romance? Eligible thirtyish young man and young woman? Mother dying of cancer?
2. The affluent settings, the homes, hospitals? The marriage ceremonies? The musical score? Classical music?
3. The title, its irony about the suitability of Thomas and Jane as well as Helen continuing her matchmaking after she dies?
4. The portrait of Helen, widow, missing her husband, Katie as her companion, her love for her son, Gordon's marriage, Tom and her concern, deciding that Jane was to be his wife, bringing them together? Her diagnosis, calling the family together, her increasing illness, reliance on Katie, firing her, welcoming her back? Her death? Her reappearance at the piano at the end?
5. Thomas, his work, listening to all the disputing and divorcing couples (and many of them getting back together)? A man about town, eligible? His looking after his mother, avoidance of commitment? His support of Gordon and his wife, the wedding? His work, his grief at his mother's news, drinking, taking the girl home, discovered by Jane? Jane and her being hurt? In hospital, meeting Jane again, the funeral? His apology, their getting together again, the happy wedding?
6. Gordon, the younger brother, wise, his wife, pregnancy? Devotion to his mother?
7. Jane, nurse, chosen by Helen, caring for her, the dances with Thomas, falling in love with him? His not calling her, meeting again, his mother's taunts, Jane knowing what was going on? Her being hurt when she found the woman at his home? Keeping away from him, helping Helen, the funeral, her changing heart, the happy wedding?
8. The bridge games - and the amusement of Estelle Getty and Renee Taylor as the bridge partners - the vying of who had the worst illness? Their coming to the funeral?
9. A pleasant and romantic and sad afternoon entertainment on television?