US, 1990, 100 minutes, Colour.
Kevin Kilner, Barbara Carrera, Mako.
Directed by Fred Walton.
Murder in Paradise is a entertaining routine murder investigation with an Hawaiian setting. It is done in the style of the television movie and series. Kevin Kilner is the burnt out New York policeman, there are serial killings parallel to what he experienced in New York, including the death of his wife. An alcoholic, but trying to reform, he becomes involved in the investigations. It is not too difficult to work out who is the villain. The film is well paced and Kilner's character is quite abrasive as he goes on his quest for the killer. Barbara Carrera has a guest role.
The film has a strong Hawaiian cast. Direction is by Fred Walton (When a Stranger Calls, April Fools Day).
1. Interesting and entertaining murder mystery? Police thriller? in the style of television movies and series?
2. Hawaiian locations, the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands? The cast, musical score?
3. The title, the focus on Hawaii - and the development of Hawaii, the selling of land, families and their traditions, Hong Kong and Triad interests? July 1997 and the takeover of Hong Kong by China - and gangsters wanting to move out, setting themselves up in Hawaii?
4. Charlie, seeing him as beach bum in Hawaii, in the bars, his nightmares? The background of his work, investigations, the serial killer, the serial killer getting inside? The death of his wife? Alcoholism, in the sanatorium? The encounter with Connie? His friends at the bar? The visit of the doctor, her sounding him out, challenging him? The police visiting him? Under suspicion? Invited to become part of the investigation? Connie's death? His involvement, telling his story? Examining the issues, speculations? Making connections with the land owners? The serial killings as decoys? The true murders? Clashes with the doctor, with the police and their suspicions of him? His rough methods, visiting the landowners and mocking them? With Emma Danton, fascination, the return, the sexual encounter? His despair, challenging people, finding out the truth? His being pursued by the police? Escape in the surf? The death of the landowner, the confrontation with Emma and the struggle? Resolving the case? His future? Variation on the police investigation theme?
5. Hawaiian police, the investigators, pressure on Charlie? The American mainlander and his antagonism? The head of police and his sympathy? The doctor, her investigations, pressure on Charlie, clashes? Accusing him of prejudice and racism? Her part in the investigations, Jealousy of Emma Danton? going to the rendezvous, the rescue? The friendship with Charlie?
6. The landowners, traditions, taking the best land? Offer of sales? Emma Danton, the widow, the glamorous and wealthy life? Hong Kong marital arts expert? Audiences knowing her to be the villainess? Her imitating the serial killer murders? The cover-tin for the real murders? Callous, the seduction of her neighbour, his death? The confrontation with Charlie, his shooting her, her death?
7. The landowners, their arrogance, deals with Hong Kong?
8. The background of the serial killings, Charlie remembering and dreaming about the - the phone calls? The effect of the murderer? Cruelty? The confrontation, the tapes, murderer getting inside him?
9. The speculation about Hong Kong, the gangsters trying to get out, buying up property and moving to Hawaii?
10. The popularity of this kind of telemovie, police investigation, murder mystery, social issues, relationships and tensions?