Canada, 1996, 90 minutes, Colour.
Barbara Williams, Nicholas Campbell.
Directed by Sturla Gunnarsson.
Mother Trucker is not as it sounds from its title. It is based on a true story, a woman in a man's world. In the late 1970s, Canadian Diana Kumury was a truck driver. Interested in the unions and the democracy for the teamsters, she was a participant in the formation of the Democratic Teamsters Union in Canada. For many years she campaigned for democracy, going to conventions in Las Vegas, speaking her mind. The victim of an accident which made her son very limited in his growth because of brain damage, she also suffered injuries herself and fought for compensation for many years. Eventually, with the help of Rudolph Giuliani, later mayor of New York, the Canadian group was able to expose much of the corruption in the leadership of the American Teamsters. In 1992 she was elected vice-president of the Teamsters Union of North America.
Barbara Williams gives a very strong, tough and convincing performance as the no-nonsense Diana Kumury. It is interesting to watch her progress from truck driver and single mother through her political involvement, her suffering after her accident, to full involvement, even under death threats, to bring justice to the teamsters union. The film offers portraits of the leadership, the standover tactics, the death threats. It also shows other officials and the way that they handled the crises, contributed to the transformation of the union.
1. An interesting film? True story? Portrait of Diana Kumury? Her work, her achievement?
2. The Canadian settings, British Columbia, the wilderness, the building sites? The isolation, the huts and homes, the headquarters? Las Vegas and conventions? Diana on the American road, the towns, the meetings? Washington, DC?
3. The title and its tone, tough, the world of the truckies, the world of the Teamsters' Union? Diana's place in this, her contribution to its transformation?
4. The Teamsters' Union, the two million members in North America, Canada and the United States? Its tradition of tough leadership with people like Jimmy Hoffa? The money deals, the leadership, corruption? Power and money? The challenge by the Democratic Union in Canada? The convention in Las Vegas? The support of the standing leadership? Their standover tactics? The gradual changes during the 1980s, the intervention of Giuliani? Diana, Jack, Ken, Pete and the other Canadians and their contribution? The change in the union? The importance of the union for the rights of drivers and other members of the Teamsters' Union?
5. The film as a portrait of Diana, her tough background, her relationship with her parents, her father's abusive behaviour towards her as a girl, her leaving, her mother and her anxieties? Marriage, its failure? Her son, bringing him to the building site, building a life? Her stance in a man's world, showing that she could drive, the gradual acceptance of her presence? The meetings for the Democratic Union, her financial and vocal support? Her love for Matt, their life? The accident and its repercussions for her, for Matt, his slowness of speaking, slow recovery? His growing up, his wanting independence, clashes with him? His support of her? Her involvement in the union, supporting Jack, the social functions, the casino, making the money? Pete and his support? Antagonism? Her gradually thinking that Jack was making too many concessions? Ken, the lawyer and his advice? Las Vegas, their meeting, the outspokenness? Their defeat? Time passing, her healing, Matt growing up? The decision to buy the trailer? Going on the road, giving speeches, people threatening her life, the two men in the truck warning her about the dangers? Her continued campaigning? The deal with Giuliani, her being nominated as vice-president, the visit to Washington, the building, the portraits on the wall, her achievement?
6. The sketch of Matt, the enthusiastic young boy, the accident and its repercussions, coma, slowness in speech, gradually recovering, growing up, wanting independence, his friends, his mother acting like a stern mother? The phone calls, his support of his mother?
7. Jack, leadership, his expectations, the clashes with Diana after her supporting him? Her straight talk? His conceding that she had contributed, the leadership? Ken, his theoretical background, his continued support, the dealings with Giuliani, the proposal that Diana have the position as vice-president?
8. The union personnel, the leaders and their expectations, presumptions, their deals and money and power? The convention at Las Vegas? The other meetings, the needs of the rank and file, the speeches, the voting?
9. The film as a sketch of American union activity in the latter part of the 20th century? From a Canadian perspective? Canadian achievement?