US, 1997, 90 minutes, Colour.
Patrick van Horn, Keith Coogan, Michael Ironside, Kari Wuhler, Michael Greene.
Directed by Darin Ferriola.
Ivory Tower is a movie for computer buffs. Set in 1997, it was soon outdated in its presentation of computer technologists working on Worldwide Web and easy access to the Web and surfing the Web. A lot of what the technicians in this film were working on came to fruition within a few years. However, its basic story is valid in terms of companies and their long-term planning, the technology experts who are able to create programs, industrial espionage, business takeovers, and the entrepreneurs who want to come in and make a fast and easy buck. This was illustrated by the year 2000 with the failure of many of the dot.com companies which had come into being in the late 1990s.
The film is quite talkative, a lot of detail about the technology of computers and the Web. Patrick van Horn is an idealistic young technology expert, creating a program, who is put to the test by new boss, played with his customary villainous relish by Michael Ironside. The young man has a great loyalty to his boss even though he is headhunted by a rival company. He also has the support of his fellow workers and his girlfriend. Ultimately, he asserts himself against the entrepreneur, against the new boss whose plan is to make quick and easy money. It is something of a surprise and a cop-out to find, in fact, that the hostile boss was in fact merely placed there in order to test the young man and his mettle so that he could become president of the company.
A drama for the computer age.
1. Interesting and enjoyable drama? Dependence on audience interest in and knowledge of computers and the Web? Made in 1997, a film of its time, its plans coming to fruition in reality within a few years?
2. The ivory tower of the computer world, the companies, the offices, the experimentation and technology?
3. The focus on Anthony, his age, experience, skills, vision? His relationship with his girlfriend, their clashes, their love, his keeping it quiet because she worked in the firm? His friendship with the other young men in the office, technology, marketing? His relationship with Mr Felice, the founder of the company, giving him his complete loyalty, wanting to get in touch with him during the time of crisis? His meeting Mr Wallace, being suspicious of Wallace's actions, not giving him reports, wanting to do the presentation? His friend getting him the survey, his confronting Wallace? His seeing Wallace with the rival company boss? The interview with the rival, the financial offer, his being headhunted, talking it over with his girlfriend, her persuading him that loyalty was best? His discussions with Russ, finding that the story of the young executive who was wined and dined and gave all the information was Russ himself? His duty to introduce Wallace, his decision to give the presentation himself? His success? The irony of Mr Felice arriving and revealing that Wallace was merely there to test him and giving him the presidency of the company? The more than happy ending?
4. Mr Felice, the founder, his vision, wanting to step down, introducing Mr Wallace, his disappearance at the time of crisis, reappearance at the end?
5. Mr Wallace, sinister, tough with the waiter in the restaurant, tough in the office, wanting to do everything, refusing to give the survey, the confrontations with Anthony? His being seen in the booth with the rival? Not giving the presentation? His being unmasked finally as a good guy?
6. Russ, his background, his history of indiscretion? Genial, the family, working picking the lemons for the bet, coming back, his continued support? The other friends? Their going to the bar, their talk, preoccupation with sex? The thirty-pluses and their yuppy ideals? The young man and his courting the marketing director, dancing with her, getting the survey, falling in love with her?
7. Anthony's girlfriend, her work in the office, their relationship, her challenge to him, the happy ending, her advising loyalty?
8. The boss of the rival company, the interview, ruthlessness, his associate, the decision to try to headhunt Anthony, get his program and then ditch him?
9. The technology itself, the programs, the customers, the marketplace? The demonstration - and its coming to fulfilment on Web downloading, productions on websites, visual phone, mobile phones and texting?
10. An interesting drama of industry - for computer buffs and those who are not preoccupied with computers?