New Zealand, 1987, 93 minutes, Colour.
Peter Phelps, Greer Robson, Marshall Napier, The Wizard.
Directed by Sam Pillsbury.
Starlight Hotel is a light, engaging New Zealand Depression drama. It was directed by Sam Phil berry (who made Scarecrow in the early 80s, set in the 50s in a small New Zealand town with echoes in this film). The film shows a young girl (Greer Robson, so effective in Roger Donaldson's Smash Palace) left alone with an unsympathetic aunt, persecuted at school, running away to find her father in Wellington and befriending a young man on the road. The film shows their adventures together and her finally reaching her father. The man is played by Peter Phelps (better known for television performances including The American Baywatch, but from such films as The Lighthorseman and Les Darcy). The film captures the atmosphere of the period, shows the New Zealand landscapes to advantage, has a sense of humanity and social concern.
1. Entertaining New Zealand drama? Humane? Portrait of the depression times?
2. The use of the New Zealand locations and authentic atmosphere? Recreation of the period? The musical score?
3. The title - and the people wondering the roads? Sleeping out at night? The title of the original novel was: The Dream Monger.
4. The prologue, Kate and the absence of her father? Setting the scene for her life in a small town? Unsympathetic aunt? At school, clashes with the girls and fights, the unsympathetic teacher, her treatment in the classroom, her being kept in? The fight and her running away, packing and leaving home?
5. Her encounter with the vagrant, the touch of the wizard? His urging her to do what she wanted? His later re-appearances and helping her? Her decision to disguise herself as a boy, going on the road?
6. Her adventures on the road, on the train, eluding the police? The encounter with the young man? Following him? Playing up the relationship between child and father? Mistaken by the people from whom they were stealing the apricots? Disguised as a boy, the clash with Pat? Sleeping out, his throwing her in the water, discovering she was a girl? Their adventures together -with the anti-war people and their speech and supper? With the kindly family when Pat helped cut the tree root? The clash with the repossessions of furniture? On the road, getting lifts? Getting food? Kate and her learning about Pat and the accusations, the police pursuit? The bond between the two? on the bridge and Pat being shot? Reconciliation with her father? On the boat and the discovery of Pat after the explosion? The exchange of medal - and her going home? The effect of this experience on her life?
7. Pat, wondering the roads, his World War 1 background and his disillusionment, the trenches? The regrets about Barbara? The flashback showing us his attack on the dealer? The name of Robin Hood for what he did - his knowledge of the law, returning furniture? Pulling down the warehouse? The clash with the Bailiff? On the road, the encounter with Kate, not wanting to be with her, her being mistaken for his child? Their adventures together, clashes and fights, warmth and love? Her saving him on the road with the aggressive men? His helping with the log and freeing the tree? His encounter with the Maoris and their help? His friend in the city, the talk with his sister and her help, meeting Barbara and past regrets? His being pursued, mistaken by the pursuers as abducting Kate? His shrewdness in diving instead of being shot? The explosion, on the boat - and being loaded for the boat for Australia?
8. The background of the father losing his job, his absence and reunited with his daughter at the end? The unsympathetic aunt? The mean children at school? The severe teacher?
9. The pursuer, tracking Dawson, the girl, the interpretation of the abduction? The police and their help?
10. The friendly people on the way: The speech about peace, the Salvation Army and their help, the farmer whose furniture was being taken, the slow speaking woman and the lift in the car, the Maori family? Pat's sister? Barbara and her not being able to read Pats mind, her marrying and having a family?
11. A Portrait of a period, the social difficulties, speeches and riots in the streets, difficulties of being on the road, people helping those in need? The role of the police and the government? A gentle portrait of a period?