Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:11

Short Film About Love, A


Poland, 1988, 87 minutes.
Directed Kryzstof Kieslowski.

A Short Film About Love is an amplified version of one of the ten short television films written and directed by Krysztof Kieslowski for his series The Decalogue.

The film focuses on a young man in an apartment in a Polish city, spying on a neighbour (memories of Rear Window). The film shows his obsession as well as the behaviour of the woman on whom he spies and her reaction when he tells her the truth. There is a change in each of them with the interaction.

The film is plain and straightforward in its film-making, intense in its presentation of the characters as well as of the interactions. A new awareness of emotional response, aspects of love are revealed.

1. Kieslowski's work and The Decalogue? A contemporary exploration of the Ten Commandments in Polish culture and society?

2. The Polish background, the Polish city? Polish life? Perspectives and values?

3. The title, the focus on it being a short film - and audience expectations? The focus on love?

4. The Polish city, the apartments and their furnishings, the post office, the milk runs? The dreariness and humdrum of the Polish city? Musical score?

5. The introduction, Magda playing cards, Tomek sleeping, the wounded wrist and the hand touching it? Symbolising the events to come?

6. Tomek: the 19-year-old boy, his intensity and seriousness, looking through the telescope, spying on Magda, in detail, the effect on him? Not wanting to watch Miss Poland on television? The cup of coffee and his eating? Studying languages? His work at the post office, the false application and Magda's coming, his not being able to give her the money? Her return visit and the fake application? Her humiliation? His phone calls and silences, calling the gas men when Magda and the man were making love, spying on their lovemaking, his dismay? Smile when they were interrupted? Going on the milk run, hiding the bottle and asking Magda for it? The telescope, the alarm clock to alert him? The effect on himself, his emotions, sexually? Audience reaction to this Peeping Tom - his character, behaviour, effect on Magda?

7. Magda: spied on, in her apartment and privacy, watched by Tomek, her arrival home, the sensuality, the men in her life, relationships? Broken relationships - the milk bottle and her weeping?

8. Tomek and the milk run, the post office and the second visit, Magda abused by the officials, his running after her and telling her the truth, her reaction, dismay, her return, touched, the effect on her?

9. The reaction when she went home, shifting the bed, making him ring up, taunting him? Her friend coming, her telling him, his shouting out in the courtyard, Tomek going down and being punched?

10. Tomek's visit, offer to go out together, in the cafe, talking, his explanations of love, the nature of his obsession, her trying to understand him, his explaining himself, his studies, living in the apartment with his friend's mother, his watching her, the effect on him? Her taking him home, being provocative, mocking, the sexual encounter, his own physical reactions, his obsession and despair? Going home, getting the razor blade, slitting his wrists, the blood flowing? Being taken to hospital?

11. Magda not knowing this, waiting, his coat, going to the apartment, thinking over what had happened, talking with the old lady?

12. The old lady, her apartment, her absent son, the letters? Explaining everything to Magda - and so knowing all that had gone on? Helping Tomek, the hospital? Hostility to Magda? Showing her the telescope? Continuing the milk run?

13. The change in Magda, reflection, moods? Feelings? Her return, the bonds?

14. Tomek and his obsession, the seriousness - and asking to be taken seriously? Life and its responsibilities? Magda and the responsibility for her behaviour? Tomek putting the burden on Magda, the spying and his telling her, the attempted suicide?

15. His return home, the old lady letting Magda in, the touching of hands and wrists?

16. Values of love, meaning of love - and the exploration of emotions and relationships?

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