Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:11

Shadow of Doubt/ Ombre De Doute


France, 1992, 106 minutes, Colour.
Mireille Perrier, Alain Bashung, Sandrine Blancke, Emmanuele Riva, Thierry Lhermitte.
Directed by Aline Isserman.

Shadow of Doubt (Ombre de Doute) is a fine French film, written and directed by Aline Isserman. It is a story of a French family, an 11-year-old girl and her moroseness - detected by a teacher and uncovering a household suffering from incest.

The characters are very well drawn - so much so that until the end of the film one is not entirely sure whether the young girl is telling the truth or the father, with his denials, is telling the truth. The performances, especially by Sandrine Blancke as the young girl, are excellent.

The film raises questions about contemporary society, about relationships, about acknowledging the truth or not wanting to see the truth.

The solution is not easy or forthcoming - but the film shows teachers and social workers as well as members of the legal profession and the possibilities of their assistance. The root cause of the sexual abuse in the film is traced to the father of the offending father - and the director wanted to make a point by showing this man as a fascist tyrant, seeing him on television - in exactly the same manner as Saddam Hussein was photographed.

A film of depth.

1. The impact of the film, social picture, portrayal of incest, message?

2. The French settings, the city, the household, the courts? The school? Help centres? An atmosphere of authenticity? Musical score?

3. The feminine sensibility of the film, the work of the writer-director, the interpretation of the stars?

4. The title and its dramatic impact, lies and truth? The audience in doubt until the end - who to believe: the child and possible fantasies, vindictiveness against her father? Or adults and their self-defence, blocking out the truth? The point made about children being more believable - having less of life to develop defences and lies whereas adults have more time? The video motif - especially the father taking the videos of his children, Alexandrine's unwillingness? Looking at the videos? The final television sequences in the memory about his father? The audience invited to look (in some ways as moral voyeurs) at the proceedings?
5. Alexandrine and Pierre at play, their fantasy life, Alexandrine and her stories, the melancholic atmosphere, pursued by her father, unwilling to eat? At school, her changing the end of the fairy tale by Perrault (The Skin of the Donkey) and making it pessimistic? The teacher and her concern, seeing her alone, talking with her, getting the story, Alexandrine telling the truth to the police, their wanting her to confront her father, her fear in doing this, her denial of everything?

6. The portrait of the father, ordinariness, audiences not sure whether he was lying or not, his response to the charges, his reaction to the police? At home, with Alexandrine, Pierre, the video? Their mother going out to work at night? His going into her bedroom, wanting her to undress? The reaction of the mother?

7. The mother, her work, love for her children, not believing her daughter but believing her husband, upset, being brutal with her daughter? Her later comments about having to carry on? The visit to her parents?

8. The mother's parents, the tension in the house, the gradual revelation of the death of the son at such a young age, the mother still grieving, the father supporting her, not loving their daughter? The emerging of all this at the counselling sessions?

9. Sophie and her sympathy, going to the house, with Alexandrine, the tour of the home, the parents letting her come, the talk with Alexandrine, believing her, championing her? The resistance of the father? The children running away and wanting to call Sophie?

10. Alexandrine at home, the continued experience? Seeing her father in Pierre's room? The decision to run away, the bus at night, the driver, wandering the city, the imaginative aspect of seeing the Skin of the Donkey character in the street? The social worker, her fears, the decision that the father keep away from his children? His continued visits, the mother leaving her alone with the father, the effect on her?

11. The father and his being charged, going to court, ordered not to visit, living away from home, the visits of his wife, his coming to the house when commanded not to, time alone with Alexandrine, pleading with her, gifts? The effect?

12. The role of the court, the judge and his discussions with Sophie about the issues and who could be believed? The need for evidence? His more sympathetic discussions with Alexandrine?

13. The court sequences, the testimony, her mother? Alexandrine and her own lawyer, the explanations and her behaviour?

14. The father in prison, treated roughly, isolated, his collapse, the memories of his past, the memories of his father and the sexual abuse, the letter from his sister and her explanation of running away? The likening of his father to Saddam Hussein - and the tyranny of such sexual abusers? A reasonable background to the father's abuse? A repetition of the patterns?

15. The future of the family, of Alexandrine and counselling, her getting over the trauma? Pierre? The mother having to come to terms with what had happened in her family? The father and his rehabilitation?