US, 1949, 98 minutes, Colour.
Shirley Temple, Barry Fitzgerald, Lon Mc Allister, Rosemary de Camp, Donald McBride?, Pierre Watkin.
Directed by David Butler.
The Story of Seabiscuit is one of the wholesome American films of the '40s. It is almost too formula: a film about horse-racing with all its heroic and nice aspects, the genial trainer, the honourable jockey, the well-meaning owners and their exemplary behaviour, romance, American values.
The film was directed by David Butler, veteran director of many musicals and comedies at Warner Bros. It was one of Shirley Temple's last films, Shirley as a young adult. She appears here as the niece of Barry Fitzgerald - who, as a trainer, does a variation on his Going My Way role. Lon Mc Allister is a genial hero.
The film was based on fact and inserts an amount of genuine footage (in sepia) which is incorporated into the action of the plot. The film shows Kentucky and California, the traditions of American horse-breeding, competitiveness.
The film is exceedingly wholesome in its presentation of characters and values - a reminder of an age of innocence in film-making and the American Dream.
1. An enjoyable horse-racing story? Romance? Piece of '40s Americana?
2. Colour photography, Kentucky and California, the horse-training and racing sequences? The musical score? The engaging cast? Formula for a family film?
3. The title, the focus on Seabiscuit, the unlikely horse to succeed, his training, ups and downs, success, heroism, competitiveness in running races, injury, comeback and success?
4. Sean and his background in Ireland as a trainer, the Irishman coming to America, with his niece? His going to the ranch, meeting the boss, the fellow selector and their clashes? His inner sense for horses? The training, marketing and sales? His love for Seabiscuit? The manoeuvres to keep Seabiscuit, putting Ted up to it, asking Margaret to persuade Ted to buy the horse? Its initial failures, his trying to work out what went wrong? Going to California, with the Howards? The racing and training of Seabiscuit, its gradual success? Ultimately its major successes, its injury, training and comeback? His love for his niece? His manoeuvring people? Manoeuvring Ted? Making him ride Seabiscuit in the final race - and the confrontation with Margaret? Making her face her problems? The happy ending?
5. Shirley Temple as Margaret, grief for her brother's death, coming to America, her nursing, her attraction towards Ted, her not wanting to fall in love with a jockey, flirting with him to get Seabiscuit? Her career? Her meetings with Ted, the possibility of engagement, wanting him to give up his career, going to see him ride, his fall, being rostered to look after him? The time passing and the gap between the two? His finally being persuaded to give up being a jockey, Sean persuading him to ride, the clash with Margaret, the reconciliation?
6. Ted as a nice young man, jockey and skills, interest in Seabiscuit and helping, attracted towards Margaret, not being able to give up his career, riding, the injuries, the differences with Margaret, being persuaded to give up - and eat - and work with Sean, the engagement to Margaret, his being persuaded to ride again, Margaret sending back the ring, his ultimate success - and being a winner?
7. The horse-breeders and owners, their ranches, relationship with staff, trust in the trainers? The racing and the betting? Kentucky and California? George as the critical trainer, getting a laugh out of Sean's Irish ways?
8. The racing fraternity and the world of successful racing - '40s style?
9. The comic touches, the nurse and Sean's dealing with her? The genial family meetings? The excitement of the races? A `nice' film?