Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:11



Japan, 1950, 105 minutes, Black and white.
Toshiro Mifune.
Directed by Akira Kurosawa.

Scandal is a film by Akira Kurosawa, from 1950 - the same time as his production of Rashomon. Having made contemporary films in the '40s, Kurosawa went back into history with such films as Judo Saga. He was best known during the '50s and the '60s for his Samurai films, especially The Seventh Samurai, Throne of Blood, Yojimbo and Sanjuro. However, he also made a number of contemporary dramas interspersing his period pieces.

Scandal is a familiar story, celebrities spied on by the press, photos taken, scurrilous articles written - and a court case. This has been the ingredient of many American films from 1931 with The Front Page (and its remakes) as well as such films as Sweet Smell of Success, Paul Bartels' satiric Not For Publication and Burt Lancaster in the telemovie Scandal Sheet.

While the film is set in 1950, its issues are still - and particularly - relevant.

1. The work of Kurosawa, contemporary films, historical pieces? His perspective on 1950?

2. Black and white photography, the Japanese city, the countryside and its beauty? Musical score?

3. The title, the focus, the relevance of the issue of scandal sheets?

4. The artist and his painting, the old men and their commentary, the singer and her hiking, giving her a lift on the bike, the casual friendship, the casual meeting at the hotel, the drinks, the two towels - the photographer and spying on them?

5. The world of journalism, articles, photos - and writing stories to match the photo? The status of the paper and the magazines? Decisions to publish, to fabricate the stories and run the risks? The boss and his stances, the journalist and the writing of the article? Honesty and dishonesty and the rationalisations?

6. The publication of the papers and magazines, the collage of headlines to indicate the comment on the artist and the singer?

7. Aoe in himself, artist, background? Coming to buy the paper, at the office, the punch? The question about suing? Going to see the singer, her reticence? The arrival of the lawyer, the discussions, the preparation of the case? The elderly lawyer taking him to see his consumptive daughter? The friendship, his giving gifts to the daughter? Trusting the lawyer? His discussions at home, the painting of the nude model and his observations about Japanese moral stances? The preparation for the exhibition?

8. The portrait of the lawyer, suddenly visiting Aoe, his daughter and her health, his ramshackle office? The revelation of the graft, his liaison with the boss, the money, his shame? His not investigating the case well, not finding the witnesses, keeping silent in the court? The singer and Aoe visiting his daughter, his being ashamed, the Christmas celebration, his drinking? The pressure by the editor?

9. The singer, her background, relationship with her mother, career, concerts? Having to make decisions? Friendship with the consumptive girl, the celebration of Christmas?

10. The trial witnesses, the collage of testimony, the effect for Aoe, the lawyer silent, the defence lawyer and his relationship with the magazines, the editor? His challenge?

11. Finding the old men, their testimony? The hotel witnesses?

12. The portrait of the girl, her illness, happiness, devotion to her father? Her dreams - and understanding the truth about her father and his deception? Her death and the effect on the father?

13. The lawyer, the questions in court, his revealing the truth - and the cheque from the editor to pay him off?

14. The winning of the case, justice seen to be done? The aftermath?

15. The relevance of the themes of celebrities, the right to privacy, scandal sheets, dishonesty and rationalisations? The effect on the public? The role of the courts and justice?

More in this category: « Honey Scandal in a Small Town »