Australia, 1980, 95 minutes, Colour.
Robert Powell, David Hemmings, Carmen Duncan, Broderick Crawford, Gus Mercurio, Alan Cassell, Alyson Best.
Directed by Simon Wincer.
Harlequin is a kind of mid-Atlantic film, an Australian story and setting with international stars. This was to be a pattern for films in the early 1980s from producer Antony I. Ginnane. (The Survivor, Race for the Yankee Zephyr, both directed by David Hemmings).
This film, written by veteran Everett De Roche (Long Weekend, Snapshot) is a parallel with the life of Nicholas and Alexandra of Russia and the influence of Rasputin. This time David Hemmings and Carmen Duncan are Nick and Sandra Rast, concerned about their ailing young child, Alex Rast (Mark Spain). Robert Powell is the sinister magician figure, Gregory Wolfe, the contemporary Rasputin.
The film is interesting, in a melodramatic way, in its parallels of the two stories, especially considering Powell and his ability to act as a mesmerising charlatan. (The film came three years after Powell made such an impact as Jesus of Nazareth.)
The film was directed by Simon Wincer who directed a number of films in Australia, including Snapshot and The Lighthorsemen, Phar Lap, Quigley Down Under and the Paul Hogan vehicle, Lightning Jack. He moved to the United States and directed such films as Daryl, Free Willy and The Phantom as well as a number of miniseries, especially Lonesome Dove, eight episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and two of The Adventures of the Young Indiana Jones.
1. The appeal of the thriller, excitement, tension? The political thriller with its overtones of government, espionage, murder? The thriller with magic and the mysterlous? How satisfying and entertaining this blend?
2. One critic located the film in 'Anywheresvllle': how cosmopolitan was the productlon? Geared for American audiences? For English, Canadians? The Australian production and its reception by Australians? Western Australia as place? International custom, accents, vocabulary, politics? (To the detriment of the Australlan industry?)
3. The use of Western Australian locations, coastal scenery, the city, the homes? The picture of society? Government? Panavision photography, colour? The Impact of the special effects ? for magic, tricks?
4. The techniques of editing - short sequences and the overlapping of incidents and the complexity of the plot? How did this affect pace, audience involvement?
5. The 1980 parallel to Rasputin? Audience familiarity with the original story? The parallelling of names? Gregory Wolfe’s power? His activities, his participation in politics, his infiltration into the family, faith healer? Charlatan or not? Victim? A conscience for Nick? How close to the original story did the screenplay stay?
6. The opening with the security men, the politician and his diving, his disappearance? (The parallel to Harold Holt and his disappearance? In what taste was this re-enactment and suggestion of conspiracy?) The nature of the conspiracy, the hunger for power? Doc Whelan and behind security, the manipulating of forces, seizing power? Nick as Senator, a popular man, the TV Interviews, his confidence in his own abiltig? The irony that the computer said he was the most malleable?
7. The political themes - the magic of power and its control over people, the runnIng of government, the possibilities of conspiracy, powers to give information about human weaknesses, technology for assassinations? Politicians as puppets? Personal lives and the intrusion of politics? Crises and people coping with then?
8. The presentation Mothe family - the opening party, Alex and his leukemia, his appearance, his not enjoying the birthday party, the various entertainments? The focus on the clown and his entertainment? The piece of cake, the magic? The sad clown? Sandra and her love for her son, devotion? Nick and his absence? the public figure and the interviews at the airport? The background of the family, the political marriage of convenience and wealth? Their living separate lives? Nick and his relationship with Zoe, her work for him, his being advised by Doc to give her up? Her being used in the photo with Gregory? Sandra taking the blame for Alex’s illness because of the marriage? Her sense of guilt, love and concern? Nick's lack of concern?
9. Robert Powell's interpretation of Gregory Wolfe? As the sad clown and his influence on Alex? As Harlequin and his explanation of the character who was not seen but was on stage? His tricks, laughter? The suggestion that he was in the bird? The use of the bird symbol throughout the film? His sudden appearance, clothes, manner? His challenge to Nick and Sandra? His manner of curing Alex? Sandra’s joy and his disappearance? His turning up casually again after people searching for him? His being around the household, the shared outings and the collage of Sandra and Gregory together? Alex and his thriving because of Gregory’s hypnotic presence? The importance of Gregory holding Alex over the cliff and his lecture on death and the dear of death? His attitude towards the mald and the scene of rape - and the ugly revenge in the bath with the acid? The social set at the party, his disguise and discussion with Doc? His tricks at the party - especially the long sequence of the tooth? The consequences for him and people's hostility?
10. The ambiguity of the theories about his capacity for healing Alex? the suggestions of chemicals in the cake etc.? The irony of the suggestion and its being used on the dying pollticlan? The ambiguity of interpretation of Gregory as good or evil? The presence of the bird, the capacity for cure, the love for Sandra and her response and her resentment of hlm? Going to the brink? The collage of their being together? Gregory's treatment of the maid and his vengeance? His reaction to being mocked? The prison sequence and his exercise of power over the guard? The significance of his farewell to Alex and foretelling his death and disappearance? His transition of power and the suggestions of The Omen? The final confrontation with Nick and his revealing himself as Nick's conscience? His being the victim of Nick's choices and even seeming to accept this? The violence of his being shot, his attempts to kill Doc? The sinking of his body and yet its rising again?
11. What was Gregory Wolfe and who was the Harlequin? The nature of his power, the devil? The theory of the Harlequin character? The computer information about him and his origins, his illegal entrance? The falsification of the information about him and Nick's accepting of it? His role as conscience and his final speeches? Raising Alex from death, bringing Sandra to freedom?
12. The portrait of Nick, the colourless politician, the pawn with the power people, the relationship with Sandra and concern for Alex, with Zoe and giving her up? His believing people? The final phone call and Doc's control? The irony of the information that he had given up power at the end? The lasting effect of Gregory?
13. The portrayal of Sandra i her love for Alex, desperation for him? The credibility of her growing infatuation and love for Gregory? Her being brought to a brink? Alex and her taking him away? The peace at the end? Her self-assertlon and freedom?
14. The picture of the personnel - the security guards, the raid, the security investlgators?
15. The long party sequence - charities, the people and their small talk, Hick and popularity? Miss Twist and the effect of Gregory's intervention? The break-up of the party and the tensions abongst the people?
16. The build-up to the finale - the policeman and the cell, Nick and the confrontation, the security guard and his being locked in the room, the telephone, Nick's acceptance of power, the dogs and their destruction? Doc and his manipulation? The violence of Gregory's death?
17. The ironies of the ending and Alex receiving the Harlequin powers? A satisfying popular thriller?