France, 1970, 90 minutes, Colour.
Jean Gabin.
Directed by Pierre Granier -Deferre.
La Horse is slang for drug terminology. This is a French thriller concerning drug peddling in the late 60's early 70s, but it is also one of those French films which portray in great detail a French family and its traditions and the interrelationship between the members of the family. The thriller aspects are quite interesting and effective. It is perhaps more impressive as a study of human relationships and psychology. The main star is the veteran Jean Gabin. The film was directed by Pierre Granier -Deferre who has made several thrillers and studies of French society as The Widow Couderc and The Man Who Gets What He Wants (both with Alain Delon).
1. A good thriller? why?
2. How realistic were the situations or were they too contrived?
3. Could this kind of story happen anywhere except in the countryside of France or another European country? Why?
4. How could you describe the life of the family? what role did the grandfather play? Does this kind of family life appeal? why?
5. Why did the grandson get mixed up with a drug racket?
6. Why did the grandfather take over the whole situation? Why was he so concerned? with the family name and honour? Why did he not inform the rest of the family?
7. Comment on the methods used by the grandfather against the criminals? catching their feet in traps, shooting? intruders, submerging cares? Comment on the methods used by the gangsters against the family? burning the barn, the slaughter of the cattle, the rope of the girl? emotional reactions to the behaviour of both sides? Who acted correctly?
8. Why did the grandfather accept all the harrassment? was it worth it? how did he have the power to intimidate his daughters and sons-in-law into silent consent and to hiding the facts?
9. What were the principal ideas of justice based on? Did he have any right to act an he did?
10. On what basis of justice did the drug traffickers seek revenge? the loss of the heroin, the loss of the money, the death of the men?
11, What role did the police play? Did they have the right to act as they did? What does society expect of the police? Did the family have anachronistic ideas about the nature and style of society?
12. Why did the grandson cooperate with his grandfather's story? Why did he stay on at the farm?
13. How would audiences have acted in similar circumstances?