US, 1987, 97 minutes, Colour.
Peter Fonda, Jerry Reed, Helen Shaver.
Directed by Peter Carter.
An American- Canadian co-production reflecting the popularity of road films in the seventies. It also focuses on trucks and C.B. radio communication, popular also in the late seventies. Peter Fonda from ‘Easy Rider’ times has been associated with road films. Jerry Reed worked with Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit. The leading lady is Canadian actress Helen Shaver who has appeared in many American films. Director Peter Carter also made Rituals, derivative of Deliverance.
1. E'ntertaining, interesting, reflecting the sub-?culture of the road and the truck drivers? The interest of the late seventies?
2. The title,. song? The world of the truckies, C.B. radio and communication, its particular language? The easy communication and the irony of its being exploited - to the detriment of the truckies?
3. Canadian production, style, view of life? Locations, the roads?
4. Audience interest in the sub-culture of the truckies, the independence, the relationship to corporations? The film geared towards popular response?
5. The type of man who becomes a truckie - strong, tough, individualist, private? The experience of violence? Potential victimisation? Illustrated in the opening ambush and its atmosphere? The other ambushes?
6. The fraternity among the truckies as illustrated by the groups at "Nancy’s", good fellowship, rivalries, support, fights?
7. The impact of the sabotages and the deaths?
8. The clashes with the corporations, especially with King Carroll as an arrogant man with his henchmen? The build-up of tensions and the ultimate fight and rescue?
9. Peter Fonda’s style as Rane? Hero? Motor cycle skills, the wanderer, the man of the road. admiration especially by Tanker? His friendship with Duke, riding with him. the bootlegging? The liaison with Pick-up? The family's reliance on him? his rescue and resolution of the situation? The nonchalant Artierican hero - with sentiment?
10. Duke, his work as an independent truckie, the bonds with his family? The work with Rane to survive? violence, the loss of the truck? His being gunned down? Surviving? his family, wife and her anxiety, Tanker and his contribution to saving his father?
11. King Carroll as a type? his wealth, control, double-dealing? his henchmen?
12. Pick-up as vigorous heroine? her work on the roads, liaison with Rane?
13. Harvey and his youth, viciousness, fights, killing of Carroll, being pursued by Rane?
14. The final melodramatics: Rane and Pick-up, Duke and the violence, the confrontations?
15. A satisfying popular blend of action, conventions, values of the underdog and the independence against victimisation?