Australia, 1949, 82 minutes, Black and white.
Charles Tingwell, Muriel Steinbeck, Margo Lee.
Directed by T.O. Mc Creadie.
Into the Straight is a B-budget popular film of the late '40s made by the Mc Creadie Brothers (Always Another Dawn, The Kangaroo Kid). It was one of several films made in the late '40s in the hope of a new Australian film industry. But it was not to be for another twenty years.
While the film has a racing setting and uses race sequences, the focus is, once again, on the Australian bush, the family living in wealth in the countryside - with the reverence towards England. Muriel Steinbeck is subdued as the mother of the family. Charles Tingwell has an early role as an irresponsible young university student. Margo Lee enjoys herself as a typical Hollywood-style nightclub singer vamp. Within a short running time, the film introduces a number of themes popular from Australian films. Universal released the film but it was not particularly successful. It also shows its age.
1. An enjoyable B-budget Australian film of the '40s? Its contribution to the industry?
2. Black and white photography, documentary style filming of life on the land, the races? The use of Ken Howard and jockeys of the period in the film? The contrast of the cite and its life style and universities with the country? score, songs? The importance of the piano concerto?
3. Audiences familiar with the conventions: the city and evil, country as ideal, the English influence? Ideal behaviour, nice behaviour, the contrast with cads? Stealing, honour? Drawing room drama and comedy?
4. The Curzon family: lack of success and racing, horses, going to England? In themselves and their managing? The husband and his abilities with horses and training? Laura and her support for him, for the family? Sam and his studying, gambling, stealing the money? The girls and their verve? The visit to England, the meeting with Hugh and Paul, persuading them to come to Australia, part of the family, the buying of the horse? Sarah and her infatuation? June and her birthday gift of the horse, the injury? Tensions within the family,
between husband and wife? The end and reconciliation?
5. Hugh and his decision, gentlemanly, attracted towards June, training the horse, relationship with his son, helping June to walk again, listening to the concerto, the wedding?
6. Paul and his caddish behaviour, gambling and the S.P. bookmaker, flirting with the girls, with Sarah leaving the property, getting the horse and training it, the encounter with Sam? Audiences suspicious of his stealing? His doing well at the race?
7. Laura as pleasant, supportive, her mockery of her husband, spoiling, of her son?
8. June, attractive, the horse, the injury, her time in bed, wanting to compose, the concerto, the possibility of the operation, in love with Hugh, his encouraging her to walk? (The quick recovery ?)
9. The younger daughter, spoilt, their repartee especially with Sarah?
10. Sam and the university, gambling, stealing, paying it back, Sarah and their turning up at the end with the child?
11. Sarah, the nightclub, the vamp, out of place in the country, the younger daughter's suspicion and rudeness
towards her, her leaving, reappearance at the end?
12. Popular ingredients for an Australian B-budget short story film?