US, 1981, 100 minutes, Colour.
Kate Jackson, Perry King, Pamela Reed, Paul Koslo, Craig T.Nelson, Tony Curtis, Shirley Jones.
Directed by Guy Green.
Inmates: A Love Story is a variation on the traditional Hollywood prison movie. The difference is that the inmates of this prison are both men and women - an attempt at melodrama in a co-educational corrective system.
Perry King is the hero - an accountant involved (seemingly nobly) in fixing books. Kate Jackson is a hardened thief. There are a number of guest roles including Tony Curtis as a conman and Shirley Jones as the hard prison warden. Direction is by Britisher Guy Green, former cinematographer to David Lean and director of many films in Hollywood.
1. The impact of the film as a prison film? In the tradition of Hollywood prison films? The use of conventions? A love story in this context?
2. The authenticity of the prison? Location photography? The details of the prison? The musical score? Final song?
3. The title and its focus on men and women in prison? Their life in prison? The subtitle and the tone of the film for a love story?
4. Roy and his lifestyle, relationship with his wife, his fixing the books - seemingly nobly? The trauma of going to prison? His reception, the reaction of the prisoners and guards, his being bashed, the warnings by the superintendent? The encounter with Jane and her helping him? His work in the kitchen? Socialising, falling in love with Jane, the night with her? Mrs. Crown's hold over him because of this? His doing the books, discovery of the corruption? His friendship with the prisoners, the friendship and clash with Flanagan? Concern for Grace? The lesbian couple asking him to father their child? His encounters with his wife, her leaving him because of his loss of his case and money? The parole, the attempt on his life, his decision to expose the corruption? His not returning and Jane's waiting? His return with her daughter? A future with Jane?
5. Jane and her sullenness, background as a thief, not wanting to see her daughter, a loner in the prison, Grace's reliance on her, her holding herself in and not showing emotion? Helping Roy? Fascinated by him? The dance? The night together? Falling in love? Grace's pregnancy, her killing herself? Jane's grief? The decision to help Roy? The collage of time passing as she was in solitary, her waiting for him? His return?
6. The sketch of the prisoners? Flanagan and Tony Curtis's style, his clothes, hat? H1s boasting? Trying to ingratiate himself with Roy? Disillusionment with him? The clash with Virgil, the bashing, his hitting him with the baseball bat? The prostitute and her friendship with Flanagan? Grace and her youthfulness, pregnancy, being rejected by John (and Jane physically attacking him)? Her pregnancy fears, the visit of her mother, the drug-taking and her killing herself? The lesbian couple? The prisoners involved with drugs? Harold Virgil and his toughness? The attack by Flanagan?
7. The staff: the psychiatrist and his help, standing by Mrs. Crown, differing from her in the end? Mrs. Crown and her rules? The books, the need for money, the covering up of the corruption? Her exposure? The warden and his brutality, the marijuana crop?
8. The details of life in' the prison - meals, work, the dance, sport, recreation? The expected clashes?
9. The possibility of a corrective institute with both men and women? Rules and regulations? Prisoners obeying these? The possibilities of exploitation? Falling in love? The mutual rehabilitation?