Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:10

Iron Eagle


US, 1986, 118 minutes, Colour.
Jason Gedrick, Louis Gossett Jr, Tim Thommerson, David Suchet.
Directed by Sidney J.Furie.

Iron Eagle was one of several films which boosted American jingoistic morale during the mid-'80s - especially against-the Russians and Arabs. Other films of the period to do this included Chuck Norris vehicles Invasion USA, The Delta Force as well as Rambo First Blood Part 2. It was to be seen in the Mikhail Baryshnikov/Gregory Heinz musical drama, White Nights.

The film was released not long before the American bombing of Libya in early 1986. This showed the attitude toward foreign countries, abused in the film quite often, like Libya by the powerful United States. This screenplay also puts down President Carter and exalts President Reagan. However, the reality of the raid highlights the implausibility of this plot - where a teenager is able to go with an ex-pilot to rescue the father from prison (looking very much like Libya).

The film is co-written and directed by Sidney J. Furie director of many action films (a director not so popular with critics) and The Entity.

1. Interesting and enjoyable? The United States in the '80s, action, attitudes towards enemies.

2. The picture of American air bases, teenagers, families? The military and the air force? Action sequences? Bombings and explosions? The skill of the aerial photography?

3. The musical score, the range of songs, their insertion into the action and the mission? Their patriotic, even jingoistic, lyrics?

4. American attitudes towards Arab nations during the '80s? The experience of Libya and terrorism? The initial dogfight, the issues about invasion of air space? The set-up trial, the prison experience? The Arabs as villains, sneering? The cold war style atmosphere? The clash, the invasion, the destroying of the oil refinery? The Arab air force and battles, destruction of planes?

5. The picture of the American base, Doug and his family? The average pleasant American family? Mother and her concern, younger brother? The Eagles and the bonds between buddies? Boys and girls? The rival group? Clashes, the driving of the cars, the flying of the plane? The fight? The dirty tricks attitude? Graduation? The decision to, go to the Arab country, the Iron Eagles helping, Doug's brother and his help, the whole group and seeing them in action: gathering data, deceiving their parents, tricks etc.? Working with Chappie? The achievement? The reunion at the end?

6. The international situation, sentiment? Principles? Masters and the other pilots, his support of them? The arrest? His wife and her grief? Family support? The final reunion?

7. Doug and his skill, his car-driving, knowledge of electronics? The practising flying with his father, his skills? Work in the simulator? Flying the Snake and defeating his rival? The credibility of his skill as a pilot? His determination? The experience with Chappie helping him before flying the Snake? Turning to Chappie, his antagonism and being told off, the collaboration? The details of preparation, the bonds between the two? Listening to Chappie's tape during the mission and it helping him, a substitute father figure? Testing out the planes, firing the bombs? The shrewdness in getting the mission going? The attack, the difficulties? Chappie going down? The landing and the rescue? The final confrontation and escape? The end and his being vindicated? Given the position at the air school? The cover-up by the air force?

8. Chappie and his experience as a pilot, retired? His help as regards the flying of the Snake? The meetings with Doug, his simulator time being taken? The clash between the two and his standing on his record? His response to Doug, decision to help, the details in the room, maps and strategy? The accumulation of data? The meal and the illustration of techniques? The tape? The practices, the mission, his going down, helping Doug via the tape? Re-appearance at the end? The American hero?

9. The officials at the base, seeing their, at work, the cover-ups, the emphasis on diplomacy rather than action, the reaction of the air force? Parents and children - and allowing themselves to break security? The officials at the end - and the cover-up?

10. The plausibility of the plot, the mission, the breaking of security, the achievement of the mission?

11. American sentiments, the put-down of President Carter, the strong emphasis on President Reagan and his taking no nonsense? The attitudes towards smaller countries? The American emphasis of showing tough attitudes?

12. The film as an action film in itself, of the '80s? In subsequent times?

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