US, 1985, 108 minutes, Colour.
Theresa Russell, Tony Curtis, Gary Busey, Michael Emil.
Directed by Nicolas Roeg.
Insignificance is an imaginatively creative filmed play. It is an adaptation by Terry Johnson of his stage success.
The film was produced by Jeremy Thomas (Mad Dog Morgan, The Shout, Eureka, Bad Timing). It was directed by former cinematographer Nicolas Roeg. Roeg has had an interesting cinema career as director: Performance, Walkabout, Don't Look Now, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Bad Timing, Eureka.
The film has an interesting cast with Gary Busey hefty as the Ballplayer (Joe DiMaggio) with Theresa Russell (who had appeared in Bad Timing and Eureka for Roeg) as the Actress (Marilyn Monroe). In offbeat casting Tony Curtis is the Senator (based on Joe McCarthy), Will Sampson, of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, has some strong moments as the Elevator Attendant, Michael Emil (Sitting Ducks) has to carry the bulk of the film as the Professor (Einstein).
The film has a setting of March 1954 and is a comment on America in the Eisenhower '50s. Marilyn Monroe is taken as the symbol of beauty and fame and the film takes place on the night she filmed the famous subway sequence for The Seven Year Itch. Einstein is allegedly in New York for the Anti-American? hearings conducted by Senator McCarthy?. The film has the characters interacting - with unconventional and imaginative results.
While the atmosphere is to some extent claustrophobic and there is a great deal of talking, the film is interesting in its raising of themes and its exploration of American history and values.
1. The film as a filmed play? The experience of words, images, theatrical presence and style? The tone as real/surreal? Meaning and symbols?
2. Nicolas Roeg's work, his skill as a cinematographer? Poetic style, symbolic explorations? Time and timelessness?
3. The title and its meaning: the '50s, 1954? For the United States, the world? For the individuals, for what they represented? The discussions about meaning and significance? The significance of the interactions? Then and now?
4. The cinematic style of the film: the film stock and the credits sequence? The insertion of flashbacks and their symbolic insertion? The editing and interweaving of the various characters and conversations? The use of exteriors and interiors? The focuses of attention, detail and decor? The special effects - e.g. the Professor's papers like a ticker tape falling on the New York streets? The filming of The Seven Year Itch? The explosive effects., nuclear effects, the burning dress? The hand and the freeze-frame ending?
5. The verbal quality of the film: wit and insight, American style, jokes, satire? Characters and their ways of expression? Interaction? 1950s language and issues? Relevance to the '80s?
6. March 1954: Marilyn Monroe and the filming of The Seven Year Itch, the crowds, the technicians, the beautiful star, the taxi-driver? Joe Di Maggio and his long baseball career, his place in the American Hall of Fame, marrying Marilyn Monroe, the build-up to the divorce? Beauty and sport - stars? Einstein and his history, knowledge? His contribution to science, World War Two, atomic theory? Senator Mc Carthy in himself, sleazy, power, paranoid? The Indian- American and the Cherokee tradition, the Elevator Attendant and his communion with the world? The significance and insignificance of this time? The interaction and the freeing of the characters, the clashes and the consequences?
7. Einstein and his achievement: Michael Emil's clever impersonation, suggestions of Einstein's character and reputation - appearance, manner? Physics and his genius? Knowledge? The insertion of his memories - his watch, the magnet, childhood? Einstein in himself, the achievement of his life - and his wanting to go fishing? The encounter with the Senator, the Senator pushing him, the discussion about fishing, the clash about secrets, naming names? The challenge to Einstein and his speech for freedom? The encounter with Marilyn Monroe, knowing her or not? His response to her beauty? Her explanation of the relativity theory? His distinction between knowledge and memory, understanding? Relating to Marilyn Monroe, the sexual encounter - resistance, succumbing? Audience response to the union between intellect and beauty? The discussions with the Indian? The centre of the universe? The discussions with Joe DiMaggio? - the problem of brawn, intelligence and stupidity? The pressure by the Senator, his throwing his papers away? What did it matter? His watching the explosion - and his contribution to such an explosion? His watching Marilyn Monroe and her burning dress?
8. Central to the significance of the film? Marilyn Monroe and her career, The Seven Year Itch, celebrity? Her memories of the orphanage, the treatment of the other girls, her mother, the hard life, the auditions and the sexual innuendo, being ogled at? The crowds, the taxi-driver? Her whims and going to buy things? The decision to visit Einstein? Imposing her visit on him? Theresa Russell's ability with Marilyn Monroe's style, blonde, dress, walking, voice? Her not being stupid, the discussion about relativity and her using the toys to explain it? Her seductive style and exercising it on Einstein? What did she desire? The arrival of her husband, the clash, calling him an idiot, the possibilities of reconciliation? The encounter with the Senator and his brutal attitudes towards her, the bleeding, the pain, the bathroom sequences? Her experience and the new encounter with her husband? The decision about divorce? The irony of these episodes in view of her later celebrity, marriage to Arthur Miller, her death?
9. Joe Di Maggio as the celebrated American Ball-player? The big, heavy man? intelligence or not? His comments about being an idiot? His looking at the calendar and picture of his wife? The bar, the TV, the cards? His having the chewing-gum cards and his comments about fame and reputation? Shouting? The encounter with the Professor, brutal, understanding, explaining his fame? The implied comparisons between Einstein and Di Maggio? The encounter with the Senator - similarities and differences? His hopes, failure? The American image of the celebrated ball-player?
10. The Senator and the bar, his discussion about Napoleon, sleazy attitude, the visit to the Professor, Tony Curtis's brash style - as suitable for representing and symbolising Senator Mc Carthy? The expectations of the character of McCarthy? - power, World War Two, paranoia about the Russians? His being defied by Einstein? The encounter with the Indian? His going to his room, the sinister phone calls, reading Photoplay with Marilyn Monroe on the cover, the visit of the prostitute (and his memories), his sexual impotence? His invasion of privacy? The clash with DiMaggio? The speech to Marilyn Monroe and his brutal attitudes?
11. The Cherokee and his work as an elevator attendant, his taking people up and down, his self-possession? The centre of the universe? His talking about watching TV? His greeting of the dawn?
12. The making of The Seven Year Itch, the technicians and their talk? The taxi-driver and his attitude? The bars and shops? The sketch of ordinary people?
13. The film's treatment of the significant symbols of America in the 20th. century: knowledge, power, beauty, sport? The strengths and weaknesses?
14. To what purpose this series of imaginative encounters and explorations?