US, 1970, 88 minutes, Colour.
Richard Thomas, Mary Layne.
Directed by Martin Zweibach.
Cactus in the Snow is a short, modest, fairly unpretentious independent film that is surprisingly wise and humane. What could have been a sensational, youth-exploiting film (18 year old virgin spends last weekend before Vietnam service trying to lose his virginity with high school girl) is restrained in its treatment. In fact, although it reflects a permissive society and the boy and girl would share its pre-suppositions, they find beneath the surface the old values of self-respect and mutual respect and love.
Richard Thomas (Winning, Last Summer - of which the film is vaguely reminiscent) is quite good, but Mary Layne is excellent as the strong-willed Cissy. Their weekend does not go as planned, but by the time it is over, they have learned a great deal about some real values in life. One half expects the ending, but it is handled well, full of feeling, but not sentimental.
1. A surface description of this film could present it as sleazy, sentimental, exploitive. Do you think it was or did it avoid these pitfalls in its manner of presentation?
2. What comment did the shooting practice at the beginning of the film make on war and the attitude it forces on boys of eighteen?
5. Why did Harley think it essential to lose his virginity before going to Vietnam? Why does society pressurise youth into this belief?
4. Why was Harley so shy? Was it because he was a 'negative' character or because he was basically decent?
5. Did the sequence of his being picked up by a homosexual add to the film at all?
6. Would Harley have approached the girls if he had not been drunk?
7. Why did the girls put up a brazen show? Were they typical girls of their age?
8. Were you surprised to find that Cissy was really a virgin? Why?
9. How did a relationship deeper than casual physical union begin to grow between them?
10. Comment on their shopping, Cissy 's haircut, the merry-go-round rides and the friendship with -tile operator, the Garbo movie.
11. Was the documentary on Vietnam and the killing overloading the feeling against the war or was it important to show Harley reacting to it on the eve of his going to fight?
12. Why did Harley respect Cissy's virginity?
13. Were Cissy's parents caricatures or shown as reacting normally?
14. How successful was the sequence of Harley's visiting his foster-mother? What feeling came through this sequence? How strong was his disappointment?
15. What did you think of Cissy's elaborate arrangements to get Harley to go with the prostitute? What lay behind her thinking? Do you approve? Why did Harley not go, through with it?
16. What did this reveal about him?
17. What kind of love had grown? How -much had each of them learned?
18. How well done was the parting scene - and her not knowing his full name?
19. Was the news of Harley's death given effectively? How did you feel at the end?