UK, 1986, 117 minutes, Colour.
Oliver Reed, Amanda Donohoe, Georgina Hale, Frances Barber.
Directed by Nicolas Roeg.
Castaway is a somewhat bizarre story. It was in the headlines with the publication of Lucy Irvine's book about her experiences in replying to an advertisement by Gerald Kingsland to accompany him to a Torres Strait island as his 'wife' for a year. Kingsland has also given his view of the experience but Castaway is presented from Lucy's point of view.
The film focuses on each character, their background, the arrangement whereby Gerald goes with Lucy through a form of marriage and out to Torres Strait. In an odd combination of Robinson Crusoe, The Swiss Family Robinson, The Blue Lagoon and The Battle of the Sexes, the film shows them trying to cope (with little preparation for their life on the island).
Seychelles locations are beautiful for the island - and the film shows, convincingly enough, what it was like for each of the two to be present in isolation and collaborate with one another as well as clash. Oliver Reed is effective as Kingsland and Amanda Donohoe is beautiful and effective as Lucy.
The film is directed by Nicolas Roeg who made such offbeat films as Performance, Walkabout, Don't Look Now, Bad Timing, Eureka, Insignificance.
1. An entertaining film? Interesting? True story? Credible?
2. The English backgrounds, the Seychelles Islands used for the Torres Strait Islands? The atmosphere of the tropics? Musical score, use of songs? Television (and the excerpt from The Pumpkin Eater)?
3. The title, Lucy's point of view - how fair?
4. The structure of the film: the introduction to the two characters, their differing worlds, bringing them together, on the island, the passing of the year? The use of the long fade-out technique fox the passing of time? Sequences for imagination and symbolism?
5. The basic idea, its credibility, their preparation and lack of preparation, finance, testing compatibility, sexual relationship? To what purpose?
6. Gerald: Oliver Reed's bluff and bully style, his age, the advertisement, swimming and the training of children, his relationship with his sons (and the sequence of The Pumpkin Eater on television)? His meeting Lucy and the candidates, the awkward meeting at the hotel? Relating well? His short list? Sexual liaison? At her place? The question of marrying and the Australian authorities? How much preparation for the venture? His basic intuitions?,
7. Lucy and her work, Taxation Office, at home, flatmate, The Pumpkin Eater sequence? Social life? Boyfriend? Decision to answer the ad? Phone call, the awkward meeting with Gerald? Sexual liaison? Relationship with him, anger about the wedding, their going through the wedding ceremony?
8. To the Torres Strait, the beauty of the island, the taking of photos, the journalist? Isolation and beauty? our seeing the island from the air? Its terrain, beaches? Accommodation, water? Living there for twelve months?
9. The early days, sun, beauty, warmth, swimming, nudity, fishing, settling down, a sense of freedom and peace?
10. The growing complexity of their lives: Gerald as a beachcomber, lazy, enjoying himself, getting the coconuts, being stung by the bees, the wounds and sores on his legs? Sexual needs and Lucy's refusal? The contrast with Lucy and her activity, her idealism resist Gerald? Sexuality? her fear about being pregnant?
11. The arrival of the sailors, their boat, bringing food? The irony of their bringing the census forms? Sexual tension with the arrival of the sailors? Gerald and his jealousy? The difference with contact with other human beings?
12. The arrival of the nuns and the islanders, Gerald and Lucy's health, treatment? The effect of contact? Mod cons and food?
13. The change for Gerald, working, going away, his becoming more lively? His decision to stay?
14. Lucy and her frustrations, the lack of fulfilment of the ideals, her being hurt, anxiety, the passing of time and her decision to leave?
15. The climax with the storm and its effect? The aftermath?
16. Lucy and her flying away? The effect of the experience on her? The effect of the experience on Gerald? The bond between the two? 20th century people used to 'civilisation' trying to live the noble savage and primitive life? Is it possible?