Australia, 1990, 92 minutes, Colour.
Robert Mammone, Russell Crowe, Danielle Spencer.
Directed by George Ogilvie.
The Crossing takes its audience back into a NSW country town of the 60s. While it has a commonplace story, the screenplay is particularly well written, the characters very well defined and arresting. While the film is, in some ways, naturalistic, it is also a highly stylized in its direction and in its photography. It relies on such devices as time lapse photography, shadows, silhouettes, special framings - and, especially, some cross cut editing for dramatic and melodramatic climaxes. It is the kind of film that could be called pretentious - or stylish.
The film was directed by theatre director George Ogilvie who also directed Mad Max 3 Beyond the Thunderdome, Short Changed and A Place at the Coast. It has a strong cast who bring to life the characters in the country town as well as their personal dilemmas. The screenplay also includes most of the Australian myths of the 20th century: it takes place over one particular day, Anzac Day, and also treats of themes of mateship, relationships between men and women, the simplicity and pioneering spirit of the country, wariness of the city, lack of communication between parents and children. The film is interesting and entertaining.
1. The title, the focus on the railway and the railway crossing? One day in the life of a 60s NSW country town?
2. The location filming in Junee and environs? The farms and the countryside, the town and its detail, the railway line, junction and crossing?
3. Colour photography, the importance of the stylish compositions and framing? Time lapse photography for sky and clouds, foreshadows? The emphasis on symbols, silhouettes? The songs, popular at the time? Their lyrics commenting on characters and action? For example, Nature Boy?
4. The title and the sense of premonition? The theme of transience and permanence? Old and young? Tragedy?
5. The introduction to Johnny and Meg, the sexual relationship in the barn, dawn, Anzac Day? The cross cutting with the statue and the ceremony? Their being caught by Meg's father, the various reactions? The proposal of marriage, Johnny in love? Meg not sure? Johnny's mother and her reaction, at the dawn service, disappointment in her son, her drinking? The bonds between mother and daughter? Her going to the march, coming home with Nev? Playing the pokies? Concerned about the wedding? Johnny and his friendship with Billy, with the aboriginal people? The encounter with Nev, the promise about marrying Meg? Sam's arrival, the friendship between the two boys, Johnny noticing the ring, talking with Sam, driving with him, competitiveness, veering off the road? The Anzac Day procession and Johnny watching Meg and Sam? The confrontation during the procession, hugging Meg? The arguments? Hearing the record and getting in his car? Confronting Sam? The race, on the country road, playing chicken? Veering off, winning, or not? Looking over the bridge? Practicing his shooting on the car wrecks? Talking to the old aboriginal man and listening to the legend of the Brolga and the Rainbow? Drinking, at the statue, playing football with the wreath, talking to his dead father? Going at into town, the confrontation, the dance, his anger? Driving off, Meg getting in the car? His frantic and stupid obsessed driving? His love, commitment, staying in the town, wanting to continue his father's tradition on the farm, his father's drinking, his mother's and his own, moods, hopes? The tragedy? The end in the cemetery, enlisting, leaving the town? A future with Meg or not?
6. Meg and her age, her relationship with Sam, dissatisfied in the town, the commitment to Sam, the change when he left, the commitment to Johnny, the sexual encounter, love? Caught by her father? Breakfast, not saying yes to her parents or to Johnny? Talking with her mother, her mother's pregnancy? The sister getting ready to go out? The drive to town, fighting with her parents? The wedding and the plans? Seeing Sam, upset, the march, his breaking through, her returning to Johnny, embracing him? Watching the dance competition, watching her sister, her mother and seeing her future? At work at home, Sam's visit, talking things over, inconclusive? In love or not? Ringing to say goodbye but too late? Going to the dance, seeing Sam again, dancing with him, going in the car with Johnny, her fear, her grief at Sam's death? At the end in the cemetery - and a future with Johnny or not?
7. Sam, his place in the town, his return home, nature boy, the joy with his friends, Johnny and company, breakfast with the Aborigines, friendship with Billy? John veering away and Sam's puzzle? The confrontation with his father and his sternness? Going to see his mother, the clip about the art competition, discussion about art school? At home in his room, relaxing? Seeing Pop, watching the march, the young men fooling around? Seeing Meg, trying to get through to her, her running away, his disrupting the procession? Being hurt, the joke about the record playing, his upset, driving out to see Johnny? The drag race and playing chicken? Going to Meg, the confusion, packing up, the decision to go, the goodbye to his mother, his stern father and the bringing of the money? Going back to the dance, dancing with Meg? Driving and trying to save Johnny? His death - and his life given for them?
8. Sam's parents, the pub, expectations, Pop and his age, military experience, his illness, the mother and the newspaper clipping, the march, the father and his work at the hotel, not expressive, the clash farewell, giving the money to his son, his mother watching? Australian typical parents?
9. Nev and his toughness, tending the greyhounds, at the dawn service, taking Johnny's mother home, the march, discussions about marriage and pregnancy? Plans for the wedding? Jean and her marriage, bringing up the children, fussing about her daughters working at home, not wanting to leave, trying to give advice to Meg, the dance competition and watching her daughter?
10. Pop and the Anzacs, the veterans, the celebration of the dawn service, the memories, the mateship, the Anzac March?
11. The Anzac Day frame of the film: the dawn service, the tableaux, the statue of the soldier, memories, the group dispersing, going to drink, the playing of the pokies, getting dressed for Anzac Day, the dance competition, the march and the watchers? The memories of the dead, Johnny's father and memories, alcoholics? The alcoholic men on Anzac Day? The war effort - what for?
12. The boys in the town, singing Colonel Bogey's song and marching, playing the trick on the radio, at the dance, the young man and his anger with Johnny and Sam, getting his drunken father into the ute?
13. The aborigines in the town? Living on the outskirts, at their home, the wrecked cars? The white mechanic and his being at home with them, eating, telling stories, joking? Billy and Sam and Johnny as his peers? In their company? Cheerful? The friendship? Fooling around, imitating the sex and having jokes? At the drag race? The bond between them? The women in the house, keeping house, supportive and accepting, going to the dance? The plan to go to the dance - and the expected RSL prejudice? Not being kicked out? The aboriginal elder, his appearance, with the group, at home, his stories, the Brolga and the Rainbow - going up and disappearing?
14. Relationships between men and women, in the different generations, marriage and pressures, security and jobs, staying in the same place?
15. Themes of a future, employment, doing nothing in the town?
16. The men's images of fooling around, drag races, cars, drinking? The contrast with the world of art? Sam and his painting, spray painting the car?
17. The build-up to the accident: the showing of the trains, the crossing, the depot, the train going out, the car driving, the cross cutting and the accident?
18. Exploring various Australian myths: Anzac Day, mateship, men and women, drinking, humour, gambling, life in the country towns, racism?